Power Switch-Kai

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To be honest I have no idea what happened. All I know is one minute we were sleeping in bed the next minute everyone was outside. Nya and Zane were putting out the small fire that got to the outside wall of my room.
'What the hell happened" Wu said walking next to me.
I looked down at my hands. I tried to Conor fire but it wasnt happening.
"Kai!" I whipped my head around to see y/n her hand was on fire.


A few minute prior

Cole was making sure my elbow was broken from banging into the wall as me and Kai ran out of his room. I had no idea why his powers were out of whack. One second we were sleeping and the next I was blinded by smoke.


I fell back on my ass looking at my hand. It wasn't burning but it was on fire. This wasn't possible. Kai looked at me in slight horror but more concern. Thats when he sat down and crawled over.
"If you have fire and I can't make fire what if I have speed?" He said.
I looked to Wu and his eyes went wide.
"Y/n close your eyes and focas on putting the fire in your hand out," I squeezed my eyes shut. Since I couldn't feel the head I just waited till I felt Kai hold my hand. I jerked it away incase I could burn him.

Kai POV.

"Kai you may wanna umm try running if this is what everyone thinks it is." Zane said. I noodles and stood. I looked like I was shaking but I ran. I hit the monestary wall. I fell back down. Y/n came running over. I hovered above me.
"Yeah I did that for a long time before getting use to my powers," She still look concered but I gave her a slight smile.
"Nya and Pixal start fixing up the wall so the place doesn't get fall down," Zane said.
"The sun is coming up I'm gonna put on coffee." Jay said walking inside.
Y/n wouldnt let me grab her hand.
"Your not like immune to fire now I did this I don't want to hurt you," I sighed knowing she was right.
"Look you didn't ask to have my powers Sensei will figure it out and then well get back to normal," I said.

"what were you guys doing before this happened," Zane said.
"We were just asleep actually I had gone to get water but Kai was fast asleep, " y/n said.
"Hmm your scans come up normal you jsut switched powers," Sensei said. He walked over just looking us up and down.
"There is truly no explanation for this," he sighed looking to the sun.
"KAI!" I looked to my left and y/n's arm was on fire. She closed her eyes but then resorted to shaking her arm.
"Try and focus my fire is often attached to emotions," I called over.
"Don't you think I know that but I have work at 9! I just learned how to not speed around 24/7 I didn't sign up for any of this! I was just a girl in school working who got a really good boyfriend!"


I truly didn't mean to say all that. But slowly I saw the fire go away. Somehow my shirt wasn't burnt off.
"I'm sorry I just why is this happening?" I said looking to Kai.

"We'll fix this no matter what," Thats when Kai pushed me to teh ground. I had to laugh.
"See how hard it is the controls sometimes?" I said. He nodded getting up off me.
"If I could actually enjoy this I'd go around a mess with everyone, but I'd rather not," He said. He rubbed his scar and moved the flatten hair out of his face.
"You know I was more then happy to meet this amzing girl, you having powers would never change the way i see you, I'm just glad im not powerless," I sighed looking down,
"Sensei can't you give us a tea or?"

"Wu can't but I can," I looked over and there was Mystake.
"Now I haven't seen this with masters but you might as well try this tea," She held out a small bag in my hands.
"Zane called me and i felt Wu was out of his element," Just then Zane walked out with a tea pot. he handed us cups and I looked at Kai.
We both drank at the same time. Nothing happened.
"Do you wanna try?" I said. He nodded and opened his arm.
"Oh thank my first spinjitzu master," I gasped seeing his hand light. thats when I ran over. But not at normal speed.
"Now can I kiss you?" I nodded as he grabbed me. I didn't forget almost everyone was around us. I pulled away even when Kai didn't want too.
"We'll now that eveyone is awake how about some sunrise meditation?" Wu said. We look at eachother and laughed before he kissed me again.

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