Pulling an all nighter-Kai

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In my defense we didn't mean to stay up. This had all started in Zane beating Cole again for the highest lava zombie score. That's when Jay ordered pizza and Nya came in with Celsius. Between me trying to beat Zane and Lloyd and Jay on caffeine at 12 am it was a lot.
"Babe come on!" Kai said from behind the couch. I didn't beat Zane. I threw my hands up.
"Damn I was so close to finally winning!" I said.
"What is with all this noise!" We all turned as the door slid open to reveal Master Wu. We looked at eachother.
"We were just hanging out..." Nya said.
"We'll keep it down..." Zane added. Master Wu closed the doors and we waited till we heard him walk away.
"I'm next!" Nya said. I handed her the controller before settling next to Kai. He wrapped his arm around me. "Winner takes all!" I laughed. I didn't remind Nya that she was terrible at this game. Kai kept whispering commentary in my ear and Nya kept getting upset of losing.
"Sis I swear let me just take over!" Kai said jumping up. He was in grey sweats and a T shirt. Most of us where.
"Hey the ice cream is here!" Cole said walking in.
"When did we order that?" I said. I set them down handing my my favorite.
"It was during the whole candy vs chocolate debate..." I sighed. Jay and Lloyd went at it for a second a few hours ago.
"Thank the first spinjitzu master I'm starved," Jay said reaching for his.
I took a bite before looking back at the screen. It was now 1. Kai moved back and asked for a bite of my ice cream. I gave him one before he kissed me. I pulled away trying to get his attention back to the game. He tapped my leg and motioned got me to slip out. We walked out the courtyard and sat down. We looked up at the sky.
"Would it be to cliche to watch the sunrise?" I nodded. He pulled me into a kiss. Simple sweet loving.
"Hey..." I tried to run my hands though his spiked hair.
"We could join Cole for some training?"
I shook my head no.
"Come with me," I stood up and walked out the gate doors. I summoned my dragon and I took Kai into the city. We dropped down in the alley next to the restaurant I work at. I unlocked the door and we walked in.
"Babe I'm all for getting away from everyone but the restaurant?" I ignored him before sitting him down.
"Come on we can have anything on the menu!" Kai smiled and I started cooking. I placed beside him a slice of pie, and (favorite food). I sat down and we started eating.
"This place doesn't open soon right?" He asked.
"The cheifs come in a bit but I don't work today so we'll be long gone,"
"Hey I've been meaning to ask you something," he face got red.
"I want you to move into the monestary like the real deal though.." I took a sigh.
"Kai....of course I will I basically live there!"
"I know it's just I wanted to do something to show you that I really want us but I also don't have a place and you do so..."
"Kai I want us but we don't have to rush things like don't be getting down on one knee!" I said.
"Hey hey at least let me dream!" When he said that I leaned in. A quick kiss. Slowly he got up putting the plates in the sink. Before I knew it the sun was rising aw we flew back to the monestary. I wondered if the others where still awake. We walked in and there was Cole training bright and early. Kai immediately pulled us into bed. I grabbed the covered feeling his hands holding me at my waist.
"I love you," he said before kissing me.
"I love you too but we can't pull alnighters!" He fake scoffed.
I laughed before finally shutting my eyes.

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