You Face the Public-Zane

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Zane POV

I truly had no idea what y/n and Nya were yelling at the guys for. Now from what I gathered Kai had taken my phone and rechriped something of y/n.
But after that, I was truly lost.


"Ok this actually doesn't matter but it does cause now your fan girls are going crazy on chirp!" Nya said. Basically, Jay had posted a funny photo of him and the guys running around but in the background was Zane and I. We were kissing. And then Kai and used Zane's account to rechirp it. And now there were screenshots of the side of my face all of the internet. I already got a call from my job saying reporters were asking for me.
"Just be more careful what you both post," I walked back to Zane.

"The whole internet knows about us they know my identity...." I said.

"Dear why is this causing you so much stress?" I sighed.
"Because they will judge me, and the team and even you some people will like me some won't I just don't want this to cause problems," I said.
Zane took my hands.

"I won't let anything happen to you," I put my arms around and he hugged me.
"Hey Zane Cyrus is on the phone." Pixal called out. We walked to the bridge and there he was in the video.
"Hello all Zane sorry to interrupt but I've been contacted asking if I had created miss y/n and I just wanted to say I refused to comment," I put my face in my hands. People thought I was a robot this was insane.

"Thank you for letting us know Cyrus," Zane ended the call.
"How about we go for a walk?" I shook my head.
"A dragon ride?" I suggested. Less likely to run into people. We conjured our dragons and flew over the canyons. All of this didn't matter-
"Uh guys not to interrupt your date but Borg has asked for our help," we exchanged glances before changing root.


We had already gotten to Borg Industries. Borg has asked us to help test out some new software before it was transported. While this morning started off bad it seemed to get better Chirp was still having Zane trending but people just wanted to know who y/n was. I was still on my phone when new photos started popping up. I love our fans but sometimes I forget how attentive they were. There were photos of Zane and Y/n dragons and people realized this dragon wasn't like the ones they had seen before. 

"Guys we gotta not use dragons to get out of here Chirp knows another master is with us," I said. Everyone sighed before Nya asked PIxal to send over the jets. 

"thank you all for doing this on such short notice," Bord said. 

"Of course we'd help out." Cole said. Just then the doors opened and the two of them walked in. 

"Both of you are still trending and they know there is another master with us now," I said again. 

"Lets just get this out of here and deal with that later," Cole said. We bid our goodbyes to Borg and went off. 


I waited in the jet before they all came back form the drop of location. 

"I'm not done training they shouldn't know about me right?" I asked. They all turned their heads and glanced at each other, 

"I mean we don't want to make you a target, we don't want a press conference but if we're on a mission and your seen we'll go form their," Cole said. 

"You guys get to share your personal lives but I don't and I just want to be able to be with Zane peacefully and the team," I said.  Just then Zane got out and held his hand out. I took and he helped me out. 

"Lets go see the cherry blossom," I looked at the team and then back at him. He changed from his titanium form to his original human look. 

"You know you never have to change like that if you don't want to," I said. 

"I know dear but it helps us blend in just a bit more." We walked off and formed out dragons," The part we flew too had a clearing to land so we walked to the blossoms without anyone seeing us yet. My hand is his. Once we got to the main path with everyone we took photos and more. We then came to the ninjago lock bridge. 

"we should come back one day," I said. Just then Zane pulled out a lock in the shape of a flower made full of titanium. 

"I've wanted to do this for a while, we balance each other and this is one way I can show you," I took the lock from his hands before giving him a kiss. We walked over and found a spot. On the back it was even engraved with our names. 

"The public can find out about my girlfriend at the next photo opt, till then lets just keep being us that's all that matters in the end," I nodded taking his hand again. 

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