You save him-Cole

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"Cole answer your intercom right now or I'm coming to get you!" I said.
" i'm sure he's fine," Jay said looking at the tracker. My boyfriend brilliantly decided during this mission after his bike was destroyed he would simply use his elemental bike that had no tracker. Now we had no idea if him and Kai were split up or not.

" i'm going in," I said.

"Give him a little more-" Jay started to say something but I spent off. I jumped off the bounty and took Jay's jet. He started yelling at me over the intercom I rolled my eyes and nodded like I was listening. That's when I get to the corridor of elders. Some serpentine have been seeing lurking around. Scales may not be huge fan of us but he mentioned they may be causing trouble.
That's when I saw my stupid boyfriend and Kai. I stopped the jet. I noticed Cole stumbling around and that's when I saw his eyes. He had been struck with the venom. I jumped down in front of them and immediately conjured a light orb. I blasted every serpentine and blinded them.

"Hey babe..." Cole nervously rubbed his eyes.
" at least make sure your suit has the tracker in it!" I yelled.
"Y/n I was here with him you could've tracked me!" Kai said bumping hi into the wall.
" The both of you in the jet now-" from the corner of my eye a venimari charged at us. I jumped in front of Cole and that's when I felt the blade. I grabbed onto my staff sticking in the ground so I could swing around and knock him down.
My arm started burning like crazy.
"The jet now!"  I yelled grabbing them.
Cole still blinded so I had some time before Cole would see my injury.

"Oh my gosh y/n your arm Zane scan her arm now so that we can start stitching it up," y/n looked intact but I knew she was in a lot of pain. I smacked Cole in the head really quickly.
"Her arm?" I heard the sleep pain in Cole's voice. I started washing his eyes out as Zane took y/n and away.

"Is she ok?" I nodded I told Cole she just needs a few stitches. He of course pushed past me and I followed him into the infirmary. Y/N was sitting upright. Coke went over and grabbed her hood hand and had one hand in her cheek.

Cole POV

I wiped some of the sweat from her face and told her to squeeze my hand as hard as she needed to.
"You gotta stop saving me," she gave a sarcastic laugh.
"Rocky I'd love to not save you all the time-" she stopped speaking to wince. Zane finished and left us alone.
" which wrap color?" I said. She pointed to (favorite color). I wrapped her arm and got her up. I kissed her cheek and lead her into the game room.

"Hey y/n thanks for getting us," Kai said looking back at the TV. I rolled my eyes sitting down. Cole moved to my back was resting against his side so my arm didn't accidentally get hit. Jay ran in then.
"Next time both of you wear trackers so my jet doesn't suffer!" Jay yelled on his way to the garage.
"Lighten up Jay it was on scratch I was flying with one hand!" I said back.

"That's my girl," I said before I kept kissing her face until she was laughing.

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