First Kiss-Cole

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to be honest I was surprised when Cole asked me to be his plus one at a charity event tonight. Especially because this charity event was for his father. But there I was in a sleek black dress that I borrowed (pictured above) watching young kids jump all over him. He was so good with all of them. He let them hold onto his arms. He used his superstrength to do curl-ups. He even started teaching them a little combination. I watched as he counted the steps out and the kids picked it up.
"I'm assuming you are doing this a bit more for the kids than your dad?" He walked back to me.
"dancing might not be my thing but it is their thing so, of course, I had to do this." He smiled. A waiter came by and he pulled two glasses off the tray. He clinked our glasses together. I held onto his arm as he lead me to our seats. 
We finally sat down on our table and listened to Lou talk. He thanked Cole for coming tonight and invited him on stage. Cole walked up and gave me a wink. He looked incredible tonight.
The charity event was held in the center of Ninjago city. I lived onthe north side so Cole called me a car.  Cole gave me his coat as he watched me back to the car.

"Thank you do much." He said hugging me. 

Cole POV
This is the moment. We had a great night and I had to finally ask her to be mine. I pushed her up against the back of the car. She jolted and placed a hand on my arm to steady herself. I leaned in and had one hand on her waist and one on her cheek.

"You excite me every day and I know we get each other on a deeper level...but I wanna make sure you were permanent in my life." I started leaning in and I could feel her breath on my lips. Finally, I closedthe gap. I felt her gasp a little and waited until she kissed me back. Our lips moved in sync with each other. I finally pulled away and looked at her face in the moonlight. She gave me the feeling that people looked for their whole life. She laughed and jumped putting both arms around me.

"Cole I want to be in your life." When she said that I picked her up and twirled her around. I loved hearing her laugh.

"I have a girlfriend and her name is y/n!" I called out as more people from the event walked around.  I felt her hit me a little. 
"As much as I want this moment to last forever I'm super tired and my feet hurt." With that said I leaned down and took off her heels before placing her in the car. I waved her off until I couldn't see her anymore. I gave myself a silent congratulations.

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