Powers? Getting caught?-Kai

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"Kai comes on I'm bored." Look I like watching Kai train without a shirt but its been an hour. I was sitting on the porch of the monastery.

"Y/n just bring me the sword from the rack and then I'll be done." I sighed and got up to the sword.

"What the fuck?" I was in front of Kai sword in hand.

"What?" He almost had a look of horror on his face. I was gonna smack him but he ran calling for Wu. The rest of the team piled out after Kai's screaming.

"She it-was humanly impossible to move that fast!" He said waving his arms. Wu came out and looked at me.

"Would you please run to the Monastery door and back?" Alright, there was no way. Kai must have just seen something. So I ran and ran back. That's when I saw their faces.

"Y/n you moved faster than all of us combined-" Jay said looking at the rest of them.

"Guys come on your messing with me."

"Y/n I believe you possess the element of speed." That wasn't even a thing.

"My girlfriend is a master?" Kai moved to me holding my hands.

"Guys calm down so apparently I can run big deal!" This was not happening I was a waitress I was going to school I didn't have time to be a ninja.

"y/n think about it you didn't even notice your powers working. This could be a problem one day." I guess he was right.

"So its settled Kai I think you can handle her first day or training the rest of you back to chores." Me and Kai were left in the courtyard.

"Look you have a huge advantage when fighting."

-A few hours later-

Kai had taught me a few moves but I was so tired.


Y/n laid down on the mat panting. She was in a tank top and pants but I watched the sweat on her shoulders. I was staring.

"What Kai?" She said. I walked over to her. I got on my knees I moved on top of her. One leg between hers.

"Kai..." She looked to the side leaving her neck exposed. I took my chance and started kissing it. I was leaving a mark.

"Kai Kai anyone could see..." She stuttered her words as I got to her sweet spot. She let out a low moan so I smirked against her neck. My hand crept up her side reaching under her shirt. My hand moved under her sports bra. She shifted to meet my lips. I deepened our kiss and went harder. I moaned in her mouth. I felt myself losing control as she tugged on my hair. She then broke and licked and bit my neck.

"Fuck come on we can't do this outside-" I moaned a little too loud as her hand ran down to my V-line.

"But no one is here-"

"Someone is here!" I jumped up and there was Lloyd. Y/n pushed her shirt down and stood.

"Sorry Lloyd..." Y/n mumbled.

"Just go to your room like a normal person," Lloyd said walking back into the monastery. That's when I turned back to my girl. She walked backed and grabbed her bag.

"Look I have to get home."

"No, come on please it's too dark for you to go." I pulled her bag off her shoulder and picked her up.

"Come on sleepover Nya won't mind!" I said walking into the monastery.

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