The fight-Kai

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"Y/n babe come on I'm sorry I had a mission," Kai yelled as I walked out of the restaurant. I ignored him pulling on my coat and getting into my car. He banged on the window.

"Hey don't walk away without talking to me!" I laughed. "You've barely talked to me in weeks. Tell me Kai where were you today!?" I already know the answer Lloyd told me.

" I had a small mission ok I'm sorry I am a ninja...I don't mean too flake" he said after I unlocked the car door for him to get in.

"I know where you were today like the last weeks missions is a pathetic excuse." His face changed.
"You where with her what your fucking cheating on me like everyone said you would?" I finally let it out. "You changed over night it's like I'm your hook up call!"

"Look just a lots been going on but I swear I was in a mission," I opened my phone I showed him a picture.

"I am not cheating on you I just needed to talk to her," he said.

"You haven't talked me in weeks just grabbing food or fucking and you know it! why can you talk to her and not me?" I started to panic it was one thing for Kai to go cheat on me but if he really wasn't then what was I even to him. Like he had one girlfriend for emotional shit and one to fuck?! I refused to be either.

"I'm sorry there are just things we talk about that I can't talk with you," Kai and talked the rest of the night and yeah it was little awkward but we were fine. I understood not being able to talk about everything and getting advice like he explained but it still sucked that we stopped have conversations. He said he would do better. And I believed him it was Kai the guy who drove over just for hugs after all.

-few days later-

"I'm sorry I had to tell you this but I feel a little less bad for trying to make a pass at you now," Cole said. I laughed a little as he put his arm my shoulder giving me a hug.

"I thought we were fine but now it's the 7th time Cole and now I know he's not a mission, if nothing is happening then why can't he make time to see both of us." I was upset. Not about Kai being friends with Skylor but he ditched me for her.

"Skylor is a good person she wouldn't try anything but he shouldn't ditch you for her." He said.  Kai wasn't even back for training to Cole worked with me. I splashed my face with water from the fountain. That's when Cole splashed me. I screamed and did it back till we were in a full on water fight. We sat down laughing. That's when we got talking. I told him some stuff about Kai and he told me about a girl he was seeing.

"Being the master of speed is fun but you know this wasn't the plan....I thought I had everything a boyfriend powers a job and friends." I said. "But now my boyfriend acts if I'm disposable and I have to leave him..."
"Whoa y/ n you can't be serious he...cares so much just don't leave him..."

"You want to break up." I turned there was Kai. When he saw Cole he was angry. Cole immediately left. I stood up.

"I thought I could handle this Kai but you act like I have no emotional capacity," I said rubbing my arm.

"What just because I don't talk to you about every little thing!?"

"no because instead of making time for both of us you chose her, I just want my boyfriend back who cares and comes to my house just for a hug....why can't you let me in."

"You don't need to know everything,"

"Yeah exactly but if you wanna treat me like I'm a choice that'll always be there you are wrong."  I looked him in the eye. He wasn't angry he realized what was gonna happen.

" we're done for good alright if Sensei believes it's that important for me to train the I will with Cole,"

"Fucking shoot me Cole?! Why can't you see you are doing what you blame me for."

"Oh screw your Kai one night isn't the same as weeks on end! I thought I loved you but this isn't that we are nothing," I finally yelled. That's when I walked out. He didn't even protest.


I turned to stop her from leaving. But someone pulled me arm back until she was out of earshot. "Kai she's right you should rethink what you did," I turned and punched Cole.

"Stay out of my way," I snarled at him. I started running before I was surrounded by rock.

"You don't deserve her dude, so let her go find someone else." I punched the rock till my hand bleed. That's when I started crying. I pulled out my phone.

"I'll explain later I just I can't believe I lost her..." I set down the phone. I begged myself pulling my knees to my chest.

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