The Legend of The Super Saiyan

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Vegeta smirked at hearing his old title, as the rest of the Saiyan men, stood in shock at hearing her weak voice calling Vegeta,

"Meira of Vegeta, " he nodded his head, lifting his hand to his chest, acknowledging her the traditional Saiyan way. She shakily shifted onto her knees and bowed to the prince. Bulma stood watching her husband's form and looked at his gaze that did not seem interested in the fact that the woman was naked, it did not unsettle her any less. She was a Saiyan, young and toned, yet still maintained a good amount of curves, Bulma was sure that it held some sort of appeal to the prince of what was left of their race.

"Trunks, your blazer please," she requested, taking it from him, she walked towards the Saiyan girl and tried to put it around her, not before the already shaken girl's instincts caused her to  almost attack her. Luckily Vegeta caught her fist before she could land her first punch,

"It's okay, allow her to dress you," He said and let go of her hand, letting Bulma dress her obediently. Her limbs shook as she tried to move them, trying to stand, she looked at her body in disdain, not used to feeling weak. Vegeta saw this,

"Your body will not be accustomed to moving, it has not moved in a very long time," he stated, Meira's eyes widened,

"...What do y-you mean, my lord? It's been only a month... I received orders to recuperate and rendezvous with Radditz here, until further instruction," she said, her mind slowly registering that Prince Vegeta seemed a bit older than he should be, if that were true. The Saiyans slowly turned to look at her knowing that she was decent. Meira's mind started going into overdrive trying to think of the possibility of being out of commission for longer than she was supposed to. What had transpired since she was last awake? She took a stressed deep breath blue-haired woman's scent caught her attention,

"She is your m-mate," she said sounding shocked, Vegeta nodded, and she smelt the oddly shaped robe that had been placed around her,

"You s-sired an heir... from an alien..." observed sounding almost disgusted, but shocked more than anything else, at this Vegeta and Trunks's eyes widened, Bulma looked furious, while Son men looked as if they were trying to not laugh,

"Listen here, missy, the only aliens are you, monkeys, you happen to be on Earth and I happen to be from here. You aren't!" Bulma shouted, Meira glared and Vegeta frowned at the comment and quickly stood between them,

"Who did you just call a monkey," Meira growled at the term, sick of having to be called that by all of Frieza's men, and now this weak, blue-furred alien,

"Meira, stand down, she is my mate and therefore my equal. I have selected her. Therefore, she is your superior. Bulma, don't call us that." he said sounding winded. Bulma moved to argue some more but was cut off, by Meira gasp, 

"Half-breeds," she whispered, turning towards the group of z fighters, only noticing their scents then, she was confused having smelt only full Saiyans just a moment before. She then looked around and then she saw the state of the recovery room, the broken tanks, then the bodies,

"M-M-My sisters," she whispers, in disbelief, trying to crawl to them. The z fighters' eyes widened and then saddened at realizing the situation that this girl was now in...
"W-Why aren't they m-moving? My lord, please, help me check their vitals, " She asked trying to hide the fear in her voice,

"It is of no use," Vegeta said squatting to her eye- level,

"Their battle on this plane is over, they now wage war with the rest of our ancestors in the next plane as all great warriors do. May they grow from victory to victory," Vegeta whispered words that he thought he would never have to say again, words that all Saiyans say went sending one of their own off, as he put a hand on her shoulder, Goku and Bulma noticed that his hand was shaking slightly as he did so. The girl shook her in disbelieve, Vegeta squeeze her shoulder forcing her to look into his eyes, the lack of discete and sorrow could be seen deep within its darkness, she gasped in realization. 

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