Ends and Beginnings

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Hope you enjoy this Chapter,



"That long ago?" Goku asked in awe. Vegeta was also having a hard time coming to terms with it,

"Indeed, he would not take the chance of the super Saiyan escaping and rallying the last of the Saiyans, the last of us rising up to avenge our brethren," she said,

"After all, after one Saiyan transforms, the rest were bound to follow suit shortly after. As you all surely know, it spreads like wildfire," she concluded, wiping the last of her tears from her eyes, Goku raised an eyebrow at the fact that she could tell that they all reached their super Saiyan forms, saiyans weren't supposed to be able to sense energy levels back then.

"If you were the super Saiyan, why didn't he break your tank and kill you while you were at your weakest?" Goku asked making everyone look at him,

"I-It was her?!" Krillin asked in shock,
"Dad, how do you know it was her?" Gohan asked the question everyone was wondering, Meira smiled,

"A warrior would know. You are Kakarot," she observed, Goku's eyebrows shot up,
"We can smell it," Vegeta explained,

"To answer your question, I don't think Frieza knew it was me. He stopped killing once he killed my s-sister, Sherah. She had an abnormally high power signature when she returned from her last recorded mission" She explained as her eyes went to Vegeta's,  she watched the cogs turn in his head until he gasped,

"She was with child," he whispered, 

"Indeed," Meira affirmed, her eyes tearing up once again,

"Only pure Saiyan offspring can increase a power level to that extent," he continued, she clenched her jaw fighting down the ball in her throat, which was threatening to bring on more tears,

"The first in years, it filled us all with h-hope, a symbol of a new era, a super Saiyan and a full-blooded Saiyan child, the Saiyan race's return to Glory," she said as a tear ran down her cheek, she cursed it fell, and she averted her gaze from everyone,

"But the only Saiyan male she got near to was..." he met her eyes for confirmation, she closed her eyes hoping that hid her tears as she nodded in affirmation to the silent question, causing Vegeta to swear and kick a large rock into pieces,
"Who?" Goku asked,

"It was Raditz's offspring," Vegeta said, causing Goku to gasp, Gohan looked at his father,

"Does that mean-" Gohan tried,
"Yes," Vegeta cut in, Goku and Gohan's faces darkened, despite how things went with Raditz back then, he was still Goku's brother and the only Saiyan blood relative, they had ever known. Was there an end to the pain and suffering Frieza has caused?

"Frieza killed them, thinking that she was the super saiyan because of her high power level,  I tried to let everyone know, but you weren't on a mission, you were on Frieza's ship, thus at his mercy, she wanted us to wait until we knew you were out of harm's way," she paused to catch a breath,

"We all started training much harder to prepare for that fateful day, but as they trained to get stronger, I trained to conceal my new power," she sobbed,
"All because of my-"

"Do not even finish that thought!" Vegeta commanded, her hands forming fists as she turned her head away from the prince,

"The only one at fault is that monster, Frieza," he said. They all fell into silence processing all that had been said. Meira looked up to Prince Vegeta whose eyes were already on her, she quickly wiped her eyes, clearing them from more tears that were about to fall,

"Forgive my weakness, Your Highness," she said lowering her head in shame, trying to hide her sorrow from the prince's eyes,

"What weakness? My eyes have not seen any signs of weakness from you," Vegeta said in a warm tone that was only ever heard when he spoke to Bulla. This made the Z-fighters and Bulma raise there eyebrows, and looked at him for answers but he seemed uninterested in giving any answers to any of them. He turned around so that she was not in his eyesight, to even further prove his words,

"All I saw was, my son, picking up my long-lost, fatigued comrade and bringing her to our home where we will make plans for her to settle," he said, taking a flight to the skies shortly after. He paused in the sky for a moment,
"Would you like me to put them to rest?" He asked, 

"Together please. It will be a great honour, your highness." She nodded, looking up at him as she struggled to her feet, she bowed to him and then turned to the ship. He nodded. They both raised their hands to the ship,

"GALICK GUN," they shouted together and destroyed the ship.

A small smile could be seen on both of their lips. The z-fighter looked at the scene in shock, firstly because she knew how to do the Galick Gun as well, which meant that they had to have been close because the Galick Gun was Vegeta's signature move and secondly because of the sheer power her blast as someone who could barely stand. The Saiyan race was truly a force to be reckoned with. 

"Why d-did you have to blow up the ship?" Goten asked, 

"Saiyan bodies do not decompose, leaving them there or anywhere leaves them to the mercy of whoever or whatever finds them, destroying their bodies, with your signature move is a way for a Saiyan to show respect to their dead"  Meira explained, Vegeta nodded, having had to explain these sorts of rules because Goku always died in battle and his body was always disintegrated, not that he might have given him a proper Saiyan last right in those times, because at the time he was still yet to earn the Prince's respect. 

With nothing left to say, Vegeta looked one last time at Meira, silently checking if she would be okay, Meira's eyebrows raised not used to him being this compassionate, she gave him a nod. He soon took his leave thereafter. 

The rest of the Z fighters watched their silent interaction in curiosity, Bulma felt odd watching her husband be so kind to someone that no one else was familiar with, she was not used to feeling genuine jealousy towards anyone. She had always been very confident in herself, her abilities and appearance, but a female that was the same race as her husband, who took so much pride in his kind and looked down upon all other species, this was new territory.. 

Once Vegeta's flying form was out of sight Trunks then looked over to the woman sitting where the entrance of the ship used to be, who had already been looking at him,

"Well, I guess that's that," he said, as he turned to the rest of the Z-fighters who were getting ready to leave as well. Goku and his sons planned to go home to inform Chichi what had happened so that they had permission to go to Bulma's place to find out more about Meira. Bulma was once again apologizing to the rest of the z-fighters for making it seem like it was an emergency earlier. Piccolo had been keeping the rest of them updated from the outside because of his hearing. Once everything was sorted, Bulma took a capsule out and pressed it, revealing an aircraft after the smoke cleared.

Meira's eyes widened at the sight and realized something.

"You can't fly?" she asked,

"Well, hypothetically, I could if I wanted to, but I prefer this," she said, sounding slightly irritated, 

"Coming?" she asked Trunks, who was yet still to make a move to help Meira,

"If it is okay, please allow him to fly me back, I wish to survey this Earth for myself," she said-asked, Trunks did not mind as if it was usually cramped in the aircraft and his mother offered to give most of the Z-fighters a lift back to their respective homes, so it would be even more so,

"Oh okay," his mother said, she gave them one last look and then boarded the craft with the rest of the fighters.

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