Taking flight

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Trunks turned to the woman in his blazer and gave her a small smile,

"My name is Trunks," he introduced himself,

"Meira," she replied, giving him a curious look up and down,

"Shall we?" he asked moving to her,

"I am not weak," she said matter of factly as she tried to stand, trying to move away from his outstretched arm. Trunks smiled a little realizing that she had the same Saiyan pride as his father, luckily having grown up with him and his stubbornness Trunks understood their abrupt and sometimes rude mannerisms.

"I know that. You are a super Saiyan after all, I have no doubt about that. However, I am just following my father's orders" he said taking her into his arms bridal style not giving her a chance to argue with him any further, knowing that her fight with him was over the moment he mentioned his father and the 'orders' he was given. She noticed his smugness at knowing how to difuze what little fight she had in her and could not help but smirk. It takes a specific kind of Saiyan to tame another without the need of violence, his grandmother would have been so proud. 

Trunks on-the-hand was trying his best to fly at a decent pace for her weakened body, flying around at mach speed could potentially damage to someone in her state.  He tried not to look at her exposed body as they took to the skies. Additonally he did his best to ignore the heat rising on his cheeks as he tried to keep his thoughts away from it as well. Which was proving to be slightly more difficult when he realized that her gaze was trained on him,

"W-What happened to surveying Earth?" he asked, willing his blush to go away,

"It was a lie, I am well aware of what Earth is like," she said not breaking her gaze,

"Then why-" he tried to ask,

"Your hair, is it naturally that colour?" she asked, he turned to her and realized that she was starring at his hair,

"Yes," he answered, knowing that his hair colour had also been something that his father found odd as well. Saiyan hair was usually dark, which was better to camouflage in battle, so his hair, gave away the fact that he was only half Saiyan. Unlike Gohan and Goten who had inherited Goku and Chichi's dark hair, he made it very apparent to his father. He had been very self-conscious about it when he was younger.

"Your mother's hair is blue," she said as she was trying to figure out his hair colour's origins,

"My grandfather's hair is purple, like mine," he explained, she seemed to accept this and trained her gaze on his face next, making him very aware of their close proximity, causing  him to blush again,

"Your Saiyan genes are strong, contrary to your phenotype," she said, she adjusted herself a little in his arms, 

"Phenotype? Were you a scientist?" he asked surprised by her vocabulary,

"This is common knowledge and terminology when you have to study aliens in battle for a living," she replied, she spoke softly, almost as if they were communicating mid-battling an enemy, he supposed that a lifetime of war and conflict's old habits could be the reason,

"How do you know my Saiyan genes are strong?" he asked, he adjusted his arms a little, 

"I smell it," she said, breathing in his scent to prove her point, her leaning closer to smell him, caused his seemingly now permanent blush to get even darker,

"My father never told me that," he said,

"He must have assumed that you could tell," she said and then looked into the sky. 

"How do you know what  Earth is like?" he asked, having not forgotten what she said earlier, 

"I have been here, a long time ago," she said, he raised his eyebrows,

"What? When? Wh-" 

"It matters little now," she said readjusting herself in his arms. 

Just then his phone rang, he looked at the screen and saw it was his PA, he rolled his eyes as he was forced to be pulled back into real life and answered the phone,

"MR. BRIEFS WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" she shouted into the speaker, causing Trunks to pull the phone away from his ear,

"Sorry about that Mary, my mother and I were having a meeting, what's up?" he asked after his weak excuse. He saw Meira raise an eyebrow, 

His mate?


"THIS IS NOT THE BEHAVIOUR THAT A COMPANY PRESIDENT SHOULD HA-" Trunks sighed and held the phone away from his face,

"Your mate seems to be very angry at you, ignoring her is not wise," she chidded,

"H-Huh?" Trunks stuttered as he looked at her incredulously, 

"You have not been away from her for too long... Hm" Meira commented, raising her hand to her chin in thought, 

"Is she perhaps in her heat cycle?" she asked,


"No wait, this world's species probably do no-"

"Its not my mate, its someone who works for me," he said looking at her if she had grown a second head,

"Do not look at me like that, traditionally warriors your age have atleast 3 healthy offspring by now," she said, Trunks had nothing to say of that, or more could not think of anything as it felt as though his face became the second sun in the sky. He felt her take his phone from his hand,

"What is her post?" Meira asked Trunks, who looked confused as she held his phone,

"She is my assistant," he answered, which seemed to be enough for Meira because then held the phone to her ear,

"Mary was it?" she said into the receiver, abruptly cutting his assistant's rant

"Trunks has informed me that you are his assistant, yes?" she asked,

"Yes, but who the he-"

"Very well, then it is in my understanding that you exist to assist him, yes?" she asked frowning, Trunks could not help but feel like the whole conversation seemed almost comical,

"MR. BRIEFS ARE YOU SKIPPING WORK TO BE WITH A WOMAN?!" his assistant shouted, Trunks sighed already imagining the amount of gossip about this will be happening at the office, 

"She seems to have ignored my question," Meira said looking to Trunks, seeming annoyed,

"Take me to her, we shall show her how to show respect to a Saiyan prince," Meira said, looking very determined,

"A Saiyan prince?" Trunks asked, taken aback by the title,



"...Son Of Prince Vegeta, who has sired you, therefore you are a prince, Earth has kingdoms, why do you not know how lineage works? Surely your father has seen to it that you have been well-educated?" she asked looking puzzled at him,

"I mean, I have not thought of it that way for a while," Trunks replied, laughing awkwardly,

"How? It is who you are..." Meira said, then realized that she was still holding his phone, and handed it to him. His assistant could be still heard chattering through the phone, but he ended the call.

"Why do you have an assistant?" Meira asked,

"Because I have a very strenuous job, in which I need some assistance to make sure I do not forget any tasks," Trunks explained,

"You work...?" Meira asked clearly struggling to understand his lifestyle,

"Well I can explain it a bit more to you later, we are here," Trunks said, landing in front of Capsule Corp mansion,

"Well, at least you live in a castle," Meira said, finally finding something that made sense about her royalty's lifestyle here on this planet, Trunks looked at his house and chuckled,

"I guess so," he replied as he opened the door and walked in. 

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