We meet again.

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Meira sighed as she walked down the hallways of the palace. She understood the need to learn of all the cultures of her galaxy, but it could truly be a grueling task. She looked at the puffy traditional garments that she was wearing, the colours were all bright and vibrant. She looked like a jester. She listened closely as she rounded the corner, she could hear Napa snoring loudly and Raditz was training new recruits. She shook her head knowing that he only took up that role because he could use it as an excuse to beat up younger saiyans. Excellent, no one would see her in this attire. She bolted toward her quarters but was stopped by her sister's voice singing. She always loved the sound of Sheira's voice when she sang, she walked slowly towards it into the garden just outside of 8's windows. She heard it grow louder, her heart raced at the sound. She had only heard her sister sing a few times, she wondered what was special enough to make her sing in broad daylight,

"Look who finally has time to come see me," Sheira said as she sat on a bench looking over the forest that covered the back part of the castle. The brightly coloured flowers and silvery water bodies in between made the landscape breathtaking.

"Surely, you know that our duties are not to be taken lightly," Meira said crossing her arms after removing feathers from her hair,

"Of course, I do. After all, I was the one who taught you to take it so seriously," Sheira chuckled,

"Where are the others?" Meira asked, watching Shiera's tail move slowly from side to side,

"Doing what they each love most," Sheira shrugged, she had always been so non-chalant in her spare time,

"And I suppose this is what you love doing the most?" Meira asked, taking a step closer,

"How could it not be?" Sheira asked looking after her shoulder and smiling,

"The times have changed and it's for the best that we do what makes us happy. We are a warrior race, and fighting will always be our first instinct, but what we do in between is completely up to us. I always loved this view, when I could not see it in person I would close my eyes and imagine it." Sheira continued, as they they watched as the large flowering tree's petals flew wherever the wind would take them,

"And I love singing, so it is what I will do,"

"But you barely ever do it, you said that you refused to entertain them," Meira said before she could catch herself, she saw Sheira's back stiffen but then relax again,

"No one is here to hear it," Sheira shrugged again, Meira was about to ask something but was cut off by the sight of two of her other sisters sparring with smirks on their faces. Their fight was silent as they attacked one another, their speed far more impressive than how she last remembered it.

"Beena and Cabba, are at it again?" Meira asked taking a seat next to Sheila, not taking her eyes off of their fast movements, a smirk of excitement grew on her face as well,

"But of course, it is what they love after all. They have gotten so much stronger," Sheira said, sounding proud, as they watched the younger Saiyan women. Sheira was the oldest and more like a mother to them all. She raised each of them and taught them all she could until they ventured on their own pursuit of knowledge and strength. None of them were actually related but Shiera had raised them all to love and protect each other as family. They all grew in strength together. Meira owed a lot to them all, but especially Sheira, she was who she was because of her,

"They are stronger but I think I could give them a few notes," Meira said playfully, leaning on her knees with her elbows,

"Well we aren't all legendary super Saiyans like you," Cauri said as she walked into the garden, holding a paintbrush, covered in paint, from head to toe,

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