One Phone Call

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Trunks was actually surprised by how difficult it was not to fly home that evening after his meeting. It dragged on for hours and its conclusion ended up being postponed to the next evening. He sat in his hotel room trying to ignore how fidgety he was. He was uncomfortable no matter where he was, the water in his shower felt like pins and needles against his skin, the blankets on his bed felt scratchy and the floor felt too cold for his feet, even though he was wearing socks and shoes; in short - he was miserable. He just wanted to get back to Meira. By now his father probably told her that Frieza had been defeated and that she had no need to fear him anymore. He wondered what her reaction would be. He wanted her to take out her frustration on him, as crazy as it sounded he wanted to experience her full power. 

Trunks sighed as he stood up and got onto the floor starting to do push-ups. Despite having not actually exercised for over 2 years, he only started breaking a sweat after his 50th push-up, which was probably thanks to his Saiyan genes. He rolled over and started doing sit-ups, the sight of him exercising like this was almost laughable after the way he ridiculed his father for training like this in his spare time. Trunks understood that he was doing this because he was struggling to keep control of himself, this was giving him time to think about it more clearly. The dull ache in some of his muscles somehow helped him to calm his thoughts enough to form a coherent train of thought after that had been itching all day. What made his father train as much as he did? Was it his own need to train or was something on his mind the way something was on Trunks'? 

His train of thought was broken by his mother calling him,

"Hi Mom," he huffed into his phone, 

"...Trunks?" His mother answered, sounding kind of unsure over the phone, 

"Mmm?" He asked pouring himself some tea, 

"What are doing?" She asked, 

"I am pouring myself something to drink?" he said, or more like asked because of her odd question,

"Before that?" 

"Sit-ups? What's wrong?" he asked, he heard his mother make a sigh of relief, 

"Oh thank goodness, how did the meeting go?"  she asked immediately changing the subject, Trunks pulled the phone away from his phone and looked at it questioningly, what did sound like he was doing?

"It went well, " Trunks went further reporting on all the topics that they had discussed in the meeting. Despite him taking full control of the company he was not one to deny the usefulness of having 2 generations of the giants who held the company on their shoulders before him. They always helped him see things from a different point of view, which made the mountain-like problem seem like it was nothing but a hill. The only thing that made it difficult was that they were extremely passionate about Capsule Corp, so once they started they could not stop which could quickly become draining to him. 

Just then he heard Vegeta sigh through the speaker of his phone, 

"Father?" He called interrupting his mother's rant about offshore investors, 

"Son," He replied back, he could hear that his father was not going to come to the phone, but no doubt his Saiyan hearing made that barely the case where he did not want to come to the father, but rather that he did not need to, 

"I ate," He said, he heard his father chuckle, he could imagine his father smirking, he knew that his father was listening in, in hopes of getting any indication that Trunks was okay and ate. He calmed his father's instinctual worrying, he understood that when his father returned the favor for him, 

"Meira is okay, she is just resting," Vegeta said, he could almost feel his mother's suspicion through the phone, although it was appreciated, it lessened some kind of tightness that he had been experiencing in his chest, he would have probably appreciated more if father updated him without his mother hearing but he guess he would take what he could get.  He appreciated his father's vagueness, but it did not help with the fact that he now had many questions running through his mind, how was her day... what did she do... what was she wearin-

"T-That's good to hear, looks like I will be here overnight. We did not complete all of the topics that we were supposed to discuss, the meeting will come to an end tomorrow afternoon." Trunks told his father, trying to steer the conversation away from Meira and push back the thought running wild in his mind, he could not talk about her while his instincts were still not in control, 

"It can't be communicated over email, or a video call?" his father asked uncharacteristically, Trunks raised his eyebrow,  

"Why is he asking that?... He never has anything to say when these meetings take longer than expected...I told him that I ate, so he was not worried about me...He wants me to hurry up and get home... Something.... is wrong." Trunks thought to himself, 

"Where is Meira? It's 7:30, she couldn't have gone to sleep yet,"  Trunks asked,  before he could catch himself, his voice sounded deeper, with the kind of serious tone that could only ever be heard from him mid-battle, but the hesitance heard from his father was making him care a lot less than his mother could hear exactly how much his instincts controlled him, 

"Let me speak to her," he said, he heard his phone's cover emit a quiet squeak at how firmly he was gripping his phone, 

"Well, I don't know what that is so important, but she hasn't woken u-" he heard his father clap his hand over his mother's mouth. Vegeta had clearly been listening in to prevent Bulma from letting him know that,

"She is okay, son. She is just tired, her body has not acclimatized to moving around a lot. This is common after being in the restoration tank for longer than needed," Vegeta explained but was met with silence, he turned to Bulma, who was glaring at him for manually shutting her up. He looked at the phone's screen, 

"Son?" he called into the phone, Bulma looked at the phone as well. She could see that the call was still going, 

"Trunks? What on Earth is going on with you two?" She asked confused and frustrated at their strange behavior, Vegeta gasped and took the phone from her, holding it to his face, 

"Son?" he called again, but all he heard was the flapping of cloth, he listened closer, and he could hear cars driving in the road wherever Trunks was, it was too clear which probably meant that the window was open, which explained the curtains flapping, one thing that he could not hear, was his son's breathing.

"He is coming, come we need to act quickly," Vegeta said, pulling Bulma by her arm, 

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