Briefs' Residence

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Upon entering, Trunks noticed his grandfather and grandmother were standing in the middle of the entrance was almost as if they were waiting for him to enter, Trunks sighed, they must have seen him aproaching through the cameras. Their eyes widened at their grandson's state, his hair was disvelled, his tie was completely missing and most importantly he was carrying a girl. 

"Trunks, my boy, I have never been more proud," Dr. Briefs said as Trunks walked closer with the girl in his arms seemingly wearing nothing but his blazer, Trunk's grandmother stood with a hand over mouth, blushing at the scene. Trunks blushed deeply realizing what the scene looked like,

"It's n-" he tried,

"No, no, no need to explain my boy. Or should I say grown man? You had me worried that I would not live to meet any of my great-grandchildren. What a relief, right Bikini," he said

"Indeed, don't mind us, deary, go up to your room, would like me to bring you guys anything? Water? Juice? Tea? Cond-" she offered,

"No thanks Grandma," Trunks interrupted beginning to feel faint, as he rushed off down the corridor,

"Water would be lovely, ma'am," Meira answered over Trunk's shoulder, causing him to speed away faster in embarrassment, he looked down at Meira to see that she was clearly amused at his situation,

" You enjoying yourself, Meira?" Trunks asked,

"Indeed, quite the predicament you find yourself in," she chuckled, Trunks shook his and chuckled finding the situation humorous as well,

"Do you plan on actually carrying her all the way to your room?" Vegeta asked as he rounded the corner his arms crossed,

"F-Father," Trunks stuttered, blushing deeply as he immediately dropped Meira, luckily she was a Saiyan warrior or else it might have hurt, 

"Don't you have a company to run, boy?" Vegeta asked,

"Oh yes, look at the time, got to go," he sputtered quickly, looking at his watchless wrist, avoiding any eye contact and more than happy to remove himself from his situation, he turned and sped off in the other direction,

"Wait," he stopped as he heard Meira call out, and turned to see her getting up,

"You need your uniform for your work," she said unbuttoning the blazer, he turned around again and started running away,

"N-N-No it's q-q-quite alright!!!" he as he ran out the door.

Once Trunks flew off to work, Vegeta and Meira doubled over in laughter,

"Your boy is very uptight," Meira said,

"I know, somehow I think that he gets it from me, because his mother is quite the outgoing one," Vegeta said once he stopped laughing.

He was happy that she was able to be herself after going through what she had. What else could he expect from a great warrior like her.

" It will take time to get used to, but you are alive, thus the royal bloodline and the Saiyan race still exists, I have not lost all hope. In a way, knowing that you are out of his grasp feels as though the 8's purpose has come to fruition," she explained having picked up on his train of thought. He nodded and looked at her, she really had not changed, she looked and behaved just as he remembered her.

"Not to alarm you, but if I do not find more suitable garments, your mate will dislike me even more, " Meira said, as she leaned against the wall, more than she would like to admit, Vegeta nodded and tossed her a capsule, she guessed that it had clothes, given she had seen an entire aircraft birthed by the tiny mechanism earlier. She nodded her thanks. 

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