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Trunks sighed at his desk, he could barely focus on his work. He was itching to train again. He knew that this would be the case after his and Meira's sparing session. His muscles were kind of stiff as if they were coiling back for a fight. He had by no means over-exerted himself to the point that his muscles would ache like this, this is how he knows that he is just itching for a fight. This was why he tried his best to stay away from the violence it was distracting. 

After his and his father's brief talk, he could hear his father walk away without Meira's door without entering. The thought of his father going into the room somehow made his muscles coil even more. The people in his office were not making it any easier for him either. 

The word had clearly gotten out that he was late for work the day before because he was with a girl. He could feel everyone's eyes on him, more than usual, and suddenly it made sense why his father always snapped at anyone who looked at him for too long. He was not blind to the fact that a lot of the women in his building had an interest in him, no doubt it was his money and empire, but he had never spent enough time around them for it to be about anything substantial. He did not actually have time to date anyone, his workload had been so heavy, that he seldom had time for anything to do to socialize. Not to mention that his mother was very tough to please when it came to girls, she was always unimpressed by any female he brought up in conversation, even though he never meant it that way, she had always been protective of him. Surprisingly, his father had always been the opposite about that topic. Claiming that it was "healthy for a young Saiyan,", he was quite sure that his father was talking about specific activities and not dating in general. No doubt that it was that kind of thinking that brought him into the world, so abruptly. 

He sighed and stood up from his desk, he walked to his window and looked in the general direction of his house. 

"I wonder what she is up to right now...Training probably," he thought to himself. His mind trailed back to her sleeping form that very morning. She looked so peaceful, so innocent, a stark contrast to a relentless fighter from the night before, it made the fact that she was a concurrer of planets and nations before, nearly impossible to imagine. He had to remind himself that she could almost keep up with him when she was exhausted, she was... devastating.

He opened the window and rested his elbows on the window sill trying to cool down his suddenly warm face. This woman was really something else. He could not help but feel alarmed at how taken he was by her, any crush he felt before this felt minuscule. 

"Is this what a crush feels between Saiyans?" he wondered to himself. It made him feel like a borderline creep. Watching her sleep as if that was normal. Sleeping with her... without her knowing... that's even worse. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, that's when he caught a bit of her scent in his hair... he did not want to let himself think about it... the way he wished he never had to leave her scent... she smelt unreal... the sweetness of honey and vanilla, but somehow the freshness of grass as well... he did not want to acknowledge what it was doing to him... or the fact that he considered not showering that morning to keep that smell on him... he wondered if he should fly back home in his next lunch and take a piece of her blanke-

"There is actually something wrong with me!" Trunks exclaimed gripping his hair with both hands, 

"I'm such a creep, a real creep, oh my god...I'm a creep," he ran his hands over his face in frustration and embarrassment. He caught more of her scent on his hand, he reflexively breathed it deeply which made him face-palm. His face was burning and his body felt hot. 

 He sighed as he felt a breeze move through his hair, reminding him of the evening before. He had always loved flying, it was the one thing he still chose to do after he stopped training and fighting. It was the closest he got to fighting. Goten had stopped flying because the girls he dated were afraid of it, Trunks could never understand that. Then again, Goten had taken up gyming, Trunks thought it was to get his hunger to fight under control, but it was more about retaining muscle for Goten. 

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