Sleep or Sleeeep

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Trunks' eyes snapped open at the sound of his alarm coming from his room across the hallway...

Across the hallway??


He shot up, his body felt heavier than usual, which made him look down. He saw that Meira was still sound asleep, she was cuddled against his body...Tightly... 

Suddenly his alarm was all forgotten, his mind distracted with the fact that she had wrapped her arms and legs around him. Her legs being wrapped around him was very problematic for him, given that it was... morning. 

"When did I even fall asleep?" he thought to himself. He ran his hands through Meira's hair, he could not help but want to, her hair defied gravity, just like his father's and Goku's, yet it was so soft. He chuckled when he heard something akin to a purr when his fingers grazed her scalp. 

"Saiyan's purr?"  he thought to himself, continuing his fingers onslaught with her scalp. He felt her chest vibrate against his, 

"She is definitely purring," he answered his own question. He had never purred before, perhaps it was a full Saiyan thing. 

 As much as he was enjoying himself, he decided that it would be for the best that he got up and left before Meira woke up and thought that he was a creep or even worse if his alarm disturbed his father enough for him to come and try to wake him up himself. 

Easily enough, he slipped himself out from between her legs and gently tried to move Meira off of him but her hands were balled up, grasping his vest. He sighed and shook his head trying to release her iron grip, but she did not budge. Her breathing still remained even, somehow she was super strong even in her sleep. The only way that he was getting out of there was by removing his vest. He watched he a bit more, to make sure that she was not pretending to sleep just to mess with him, but there was no signs of her actually being awake. He gently held her wrist as he used them to aid in pulling his vest up over his head.

She immediately recoiled her arms taking his vest along with it until the piece of clothing was under her as she lay on her stomach. The sight made him chuckle and shake his head, this mighty Saiyan warrior was holding his vest as if it were a teddy bear. It was... cute. He knew the Saiyan part of him would definitely want to tease her about that mid-battle. He shook his head at that very uncharacteristic thought. 

Her sheets were a mess, pulled and heaped in multiple directions, he did not know how exactly, because they were in the exact position he last remembered them being in. The sun created a golden hue to the whole room as it shone through her cream curtains, she almost looked as if she was glowing in it all. She somehow looked small, amongst all of the pillows and blankets, that surrounded her, 

"Almost like a baby bird in a nest," he smirked, she would attack him from just having the thought. 

He took one last look at her and then opened her door and stepped out into the hallway, trying to close the door as quietly as possible to not wake her. 

"Moving a bit fast, aren't we?" Vegeta said, as he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed and his eyes closed, Trunks jumped with fright at his father's voice,

"F-Father?" Trunks was stunned and did not know what to say.  He had not even heard him come there. 

"How long was he standing there?" Trunks thought to himself. 

 His father opened his eyes, Trunks did not miss how his father's eyes slightly widened as Vegeta took in his attire, which seemed to solidify his father's thoughts on what he was accusing his son of. Trunks blushed knowing that the fact that he was bare-chested and his hair was a mess was not helping him, 

"It's not what it loo-" he tried, 

"Then what is it?" Vegeta asked accusingly, 

"" Trunks tried but he soon realized that the truth was not so innocent either, they had slept together. It was not exactly normal for two young adults, especially if they were Saiyans. Vegeta made a move to open Meira's door, but Trunks reflexively stepped in his way. This caused the older Saiyan to raise an eyebrow to his son, 

"She is...uh... she is sleeping. She did not get much rest, I think it would be best to not disturb her," Trunks said, feeling an unfamiliar tinge of possessiveness, he could see his father's eyes analyzing him, 

"I left her here since noon yesterday, surely she has rested enough," Vegeta said, moving Trunks out of the way but for some reason, the boy would not budge,

"She...I... she only fell asleep around 3 this morning," Trunks said, trying to avoid his father's gaze which widened at his son's words, 

"I'll be damned, you actually slept with her," Vegeta looked at his son incredulously, his shoulders rose at the notion, Trunks blushed and put his palms to his face, 

"We literally only slept...nothing else," Trunks explained, as his father's shoulders fell...

"He is disappointed. What the hell?... I swear..." Trunks thought, actually shocked at his father's reaction.

Vegeta then looked at his son who was blocking him from the door. He could smell that they did not do anything, but that did not explain why they smelt that much like each other. He then had an idea, 

"At least let me wake her up to eat, we did not get a chance to feed her yesterday, she must be starving," Vegeta said, moving to the door, but was blocked by the younger Saiyan, 

"No need, I fed her," Trunks said before he could catch himself, he did not miss his father's back straightening, 

"Oh, did you now?" His father asked smirking knowingly, Trunks sighed, blushing once again, and turned his head away, as his father started chuckling. Trunks sighed at the fact that his father probably fully understood what was happening to him where his instincts were concerned. 

Trunks decided that he had given his father enough reasons to not enter Meira's room while she was asleep, so he walked to his room so that he could prepare to go to work, ignoring the amount of amusement exuding his father's body. 

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