to the Window

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Trunks and Meira sat for hours speaking about the logistical issues that were causing Capsule Corp grief. It had never been and would never be the products itself, Trunks and his mother had seen to that. Meira listened to all the setbacks it has caused and asked questions when she needed clarity, 

"Is there a reason you choose to outsource your inbound and outbound logistics?" she asked from the bed where she laid on her belly, looking at the prince who had since moved closer to the bed with the office chair, 

"Well, it has always been that way, Gramps was working with the company since his days," Trunks explained never having too much thought,

"I see, a long-standing partnership, you say that this transfer company is small?" she asked leaning on her upturned palm, Trunks did his best to not let his eyes wander further down to her breasts which were on full display at this angle, Meira noticed this and smirked at him, she opened her mouth to tease him, but they both heard light footsteps go to his room and open the door.

Meira raised an eyebrow at him as she noticed all colour leave his face as he felt his pockets, 

"I forgot my phone in my roo-"

"Trunks?" Bulma's voice could be heard as they heard his mother looking for him, 

"She must have been trying to get a hold of me, she never comes to my room," he said quietly, he was panicking slightly, his mother was clearly hesitant to leave her alone with him earlier that day, and now they had been alone in her room, Meira's attire was not making the situation any better. They heard Bulma making her way down the hallway, 

"Is there a window in your bathroom?" Trunks whispered hurriedly, 

"I don't know, you live here," Meira said, not really understanding the young Saiyan's change in behaviour, Trunks sighed as he shot up and looked, the ensuite's window was way too small for him to fit through. He heard his mother's steps slightly hesitate, she must be suspicious, she started creeping a bit quieter, which confirmed his thoughts. 

He got onto the bed, which made Meira's eyes widen, she was about to say something but he quickly closed in on her and covered her mouth with his hand, which caused her eyes to widen even more. Her breath hitched and a small blush made its way on her face which made Trunks tilt his head and smirk teasingly, which elicited an eye roll from her. He shook his head, clearly amused at her reaction, then nodded towards the window above her bed, the look of understanding was on her face. 

As he got up to fly through the window, he felt her grab his wrist. He struggled against her, he was surprised that he was actually struggling to get out of her grip. His face turned to the door, his mother just halted outside, she was about to see her son basically on top of a barely dressed stranger whom they had met today, with his shoes off, shirt open, and blush on his face. The very thought of his mother's reaction made him want to fly into the sun. 

"Take me with you," Meira mouthed to him, before he could argue, heard his mother's hand graze the door's handle. With no time to think any further, he grabbed Meira by the waist and flew with her right out of her open window. He made sure to fly in a different direction so that his mother did not see him flying away. 

He flew for about two minutes before his nerves settled, as the cool evening air rushed around him. The sun had set a while ago, and the sky was lilac with a few stars here and there. He enjoyed flying this time of day the most, however, he seldom got to because of either having to work late in the office or being too tired and passing out the moment he got home. What would have happened if Meira had not called him... Speaking of which. He looked down to see her already smirking up at him, and that's when he realized how close they were. Her chest was firmly pressed to his, his arms kept her trapped against him.

"S-Sorry," he blushed, as gave them some distance, she laughed, 

"Your instincts say a lot more about you than your words do," she said half teasingly, 

"Oh please, that was just me acting under high pressure," he said, 

"And therefore instinctually," she teased, he rolled his eyes, as they flew over the city,

"This city looks more like the sky than the sky does. They look like constellations," she said, looking at the lights, Trunks could not tell if her comment was made out of distaste or curiosity, her face did not give away anything either. Her neck seemed strained as she tried looking at the city when her body was facing him. He then tried to turn her, he glance down at her hips, and sucked in a breath, when his eyes trailed down to where his hands had made contact with her bare skin, her spaghetti top rode up a little. That is when he noticed something, 

"M-Meira, you still are not wearing pants," 

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