A Saiyan's Fight

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They sparred, and despite promising not to, Trunks pulled his punches. She pushed him and he grabbed her as he tumbled down the less steep side of the hill. They rolled messily down, and blades of grass flew everywhere from their descent. Meira was still managing to get in a few kicks in as they fell, using their even level while falling to her advantage. Trunks smirked at this, she was a real fighter, he pulled her to him which started a wrestling match as they tumbled over each other. Trunks found himself very grateful that she was a Saiyan. If she weren't he would have had to actually worry about her getting hurt. She was still far stronger than an actual human in her weakened state and was using every advantage that she could to even their playing field. Trunks started chuckling as she used his weight against him to flip him over and pin him to the ground where they had finally gotten to level ground. 

Trunks looked around at their surroundings, there were a lot of wildflowers at the base, 

"You timed how long it would take for us to reach here," he commented in amazement looking up at her, her hair was tousled and wild, her cheeks were flushed from exertion, and she smirked while panting, his already preexisting other type of excitement return with a vengeance, causing him to blush as well, 

"Yield," she commanded, trying to ignore his body's reaction to her, which was very apparent because she had chosen to straddle him when she pinned him down, 

"No you," Trunks challenged with a smirk and rolled them over, she gasped at the shift in their weight and the very clear difference in the level of strength, as shifted their position with ease despite how she struggled against him with all her strength, 

"So those muscles aren't just for show," she commented with a smirk, he chuckled, 

"Yield, Meira," He said pressing her even further into the ground, letting her feel a bit more of his real strength, her eyebrows shot up in the increased pressure as she felt some of her joints pop, 

"I knew you were holding back," she said breathlessly, Trunks' mind came to a halt when he heard the way she sounded. She was looking up at him, her hair looked like black ink swallowing the wildflowers around. Her eyes looked almost innocent as they reflected the twinkling of the stars around them. Her vest had ridden down giving him a view of her very features that his eyes did their best to avoid, it was even more difficult while she was panting the way she was, 

"Uhm, if you press any harder, I fear it might actually stab me, young prince, " She said with a blush on her face, he immediately got off of her and apologised, which earned only her shaking her head and winking at him with a smirk, which did not help with making his situation go away. She laughed as he stood up purposefully not facing her,

"So..uhm let's go." He said, hoping that the cool night air would calm the uncharacteristic fire in his veins,  she surprisingly stood up and walked up by herself, despite him offering to help her. She was slower than him, but he didn't mind. 

"Why do you do that?" she asked, her tail swishing behind her, 

"Do what?"

"Do or say something Saiyan-like and then retract it, "  

"Well... my mother always said that I should not become like my dad," he shrugged

"But that is denying you of who you are, your father is Saiyan, albeit a hardheaded one, but a Saiyan none-the-less, you are his son, you are ...part Saiyan as well, " she said, he gave her a look when she hesitated to call him a Saiyan and she laughed, 

"Do not get upset at me, you are the one who is denying himself of his Saiyan side," she smirked, 

" I can't solely focus on training and ignore the world around me," he said, trying to keep the disdain out of his voice, but he thinks she picked up on it because she stared at him and raised an eyebrow, 

"You think that's what he has been doing?" she asked, sounding slightly disappointed, 

"If Frieza came here, who would you and the other half-breeds turn to?" she asked crossing her arms, their walk came to a halt, he looked at her, not sure if he should be the one to break it to her, 

"We would turn to Goku and my father," he admitted, deciding to let his father explain that situation to her, 

"Exactly, I wonder why that is," she said accusingly, 

"Because they understand that in a universe where other warriors exist, no one is truly safe, I understand that maybe on this planet fathers are probably supposed to get a job and work like you, but what happens to them when a gangster tries to rob them? Their money is stolen or perhaps their life. A Saiyan man would fight the threat away, Saiyan men hunt- their family will never be hungry. You just don't get to see that side of your father because your family is well off," she said, Trunks tried to break apart her logic in his head, but then he remembered the huge monstrosities that Goku pulled out of the rivers and mountains to feed his family, creatures that would take a team of highly trained humans to hunt, Goku would bring to his family with a triumphant smile on his face, he was never asked to, he just did it. Just then he remembered how his father watched that him and his sister eat before taking the first bite of his meal.

"Trunks... I did not tell you that I was hungry," she said looking at him, his eyebrows shot up, 

"Your instincts told you to get me food," she said, a slight blush on her face, he looked at her questioningly, 

"A Saiyan man does this for who he recognizes as his... family" she explains, he took a moment then realized what she meant and started blushing that his very behaviour was telling her more than she ever needed to know, 

"We fought, your world would have seen that as unacceptable, correct? I understand that with your world's gender roles, you would be frowned upon  because you would dare raise your hand to me," she asked, he gulped and nodded, 

"Whereas I would have been greatly offended if you did not. You can not hold us to same expectations that this world has taught you, Saiyans are not the same as humans. We fight. This is what Saiyans do to get to know each other, to build their relationships, and to bond. You might not know that, but your blood does, you were practically buzzing with excitement when we started our battle," She said, her tail swishing. He thought back to how he and his father used to train with each other and how much he had learned about his father. His mother and sister still struggled to understand his father, when he seldom had that problem, able to read between the lines, the subtle glances and body language. He was shocked to discover that all these years had amounted to something, he looked at her, and she seemed to have been able to follow his thoughts because she was smirking proudly when their gazes met. He had learned a lot about her in the short time that they knew her, she was a warrior, limitation did not scare her away- it challenged her, and she was passionate about teaching. He knew what she was talking about, he might not be following mentally, but instincts were guiding him. He gasped, so much had happened in their short battle, and his mind reeled back and forth. Things that he used to dread, things that never made sense, suddenly became clear to him. 

He was grateful for the role that she played in getting him to realize this, he looked at her again, only to discover that she was not where he had last seen her, his eyes darted around until he saw that she was passed out on the ground, 

 Trunks had panicked for a moment then checked her vitals. Everything seemed normal, she must have passed out from exhaustion. He cleared their garbage and picked her up bridal style one again, flying back to Capsule Corp. 


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