What of Instincts and Love?

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"He is coming, come we need to act quickly," Vegeta said, pulling Bulma by her arm,

"What do you mean? He has a meeting tomorrow," Bulma said, not trying to pull her arm as Vegeta dragged her down the corridor, she knew from experience to just follow Vegeta when he wanted her to go somewhere, it's not like she could actually do anything when a Saiyan is physically moving her, 

"He is on his way home, he just dropped his phone and left," Vegeta explained,

"Why? Just because Meira is still asleep?" Bulma asked,  Vegeta slightly stiffened and sighed, 


"No, no more vagueness, what the hell is going on ?!" Bulma shouted, as he put her in the elevator, Vegeta looked at his frustrated wife sighed, and ran his hand over his face,

"Do you remember that time we were hiding in the capsule home in the rock, when Frieza was terrorizing us?" Vegeta asked, trying to ignore the heat on his face,  she just crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow, 

"What about it?" 

"Remember how I started behaving...uh...different?" Vegeta tried, looking everywhere but her, 

"You mean the time where you wouldn't let any of our friends speak to and then we had s-"

"Yes! Yes, that time," Vegeta breathed a breath of relief as the elevator doors finally opened, he pulled her out and continued walking with her hand in his, 

"What I did not explain to you, because it never mattered before because it was not supposed to happen to our children because it's supposed to be physically impossible for someone who is only half..." Vegeta walked passed Meira's room and straight to Trunks',

"Is that, my instincts chose you long before I did," he said looking at her as she stepped inside their son's room, she looked at him waiting for him to explain, 

"In a way, my body chose yours, my genes decided that you would be the perfect mate," he tried, 

"So before I had any feelings for you, I hated the scent of other men on you, I wanted to provide for you, to a Saiyan man, it is to make sure you eat, it's why I purposefully did things that would make you argue with me, fighting is a Saiyan's way of getting to know each other. I knew that it would be different because you were a different species, but it could not be helped because once the instincts were there, I had little to no control...I am stumbling over my words, I have never needed to explain this out loud, it just comes like breathing, natural. On Earth, it's almost animalistic," He explained. 

Bulma looked at her husband, who had just said the most she had ever heard him say in almost 20 years of marriage, she thought back to those times, he was right, it was animalistic, scent marking, very primitive courting practices...courting...

"ARE YOU TELLING ME THAT OUR SON IS COURTING THIS WOMAN HE JUST MET?!" she looked at her husband incredulously, 

"It's not like he has a choice, it was not supposed to happen, he is supposed to be only half, but his Saiyan genes have always been strong," Vegeta said, 

"B-But he barely knows her," she tried, 

"Bulma, we barely knew each other," Vegeta said, 

"...is this happening because she is a full Saiyan?" Bulma asked, Vegeta always admired this about her despite this being an emotionally strenuous  topic, her inner scientist would force her to find answers, 

"The effects could be stronger because of it," Vegeta nodded, 

"And if we keep them away from each other?" she asked, which made Vegeta gasp, 

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