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"Well. That's good to know," Trunks' voice commented gruffly from the windowsill where he had been perched on, Bulma jumped at his sudden appearance and Vegeta's eyes widened at the fact that he had not even sensed his son arrive, he had been trying to follow his son's power signature since he got onto the continent.

"How long you have been there?" Vegeta asked, as he watched his son stalk down from the window, his muscles bulging from restraint and Trunks' eyes seemed to glow in the dark. Trunks was doing an amazing job at controlling himself.

"Long enough to know that I will never leave you alone with Meira ever again," Trunks said shooting his father a glare, he however, relaxed a bit when his gaze met with Meira's sleeping form. He gently got onto the bed and checked her vitals,

"Despite his instincts taking over he maintains a lot of his personality, he is checking her vitals instead of forcing us out of the room," Vegeta thought to himself not bothered by his son's behaviour, Bulma looked like she was about to scold her son at his blatant rudeness, but Vegeta stopped her by shaking his head. 

Vegeta felt his back straighten with pride at his son's behaviour. Trunks had always tip-toed around him, and although it was clear that the boy disagreed with his ways, he never openly challenged him... until now. His son was behaving like the Saiyan he truly is and Vegeta could not be more proud. His son's presence exuded an unspoken threat, daring anyone to try coming closer to Meira. His demeanor was so aggressive, that had Vegeta been a lesser warrior, he would have actually felt intimidated by the boy, that very thought brought a smirk to Vegeta's face.

"How long will she be like this until we should worry about her health?" Trunks asked, his voice sounded deeper than usual as he picked up Meira's sleeping form and pulled her to his chest,

"You fed her last night, she should be okay for another two days," Vegeta said and watched in amusement as Trunks' muscles twitched at his voice, Trunks was fighting everything in him not to pick a fight with his father,

"Her scans show that she should wake up by tomorrow morning," Bulma said, Trunks looked at his mother and nodded his thanks to her, looking at Meira's sleeping face. He ran his fingers through her hair, he had somehow missed that feeling since that morning, just then he noticed something wrapped firmly around his wrist, he looked down and noticed that it was Meira's tail which caused a small smile to form on his face.

"She finally let go of it," Bulma said and walked to the bed, snatching up Trunks' shirt before Vegeta could stop her and before Trunks could react to her sudden closeness, she was already at the door,

"I thought that she would never let it go with that tail of hers'  death grip," Bulma said as she placed the shirt into a laundry basket near the door. Trunks tilted his head at his mother's comment about Meira's refusal to let go of his shirt and started to chuckle. Vegeta looked at the entire situation incredulously, either his son's control was better than his or his human genes were making it easier for him. Trunks stroked Meira's tail a bit closer to the base, with the hand that was held captive by it,

"That's right, I am right here. So you better rest well and wake up for me tomorrow," Trunks whispered to Meira, bringing his face to her hair and inhaling her scent, which seemed to calm his tense muscles. This scent was what he craved all day, somehow it smelt even better than he remembered. He could almost see stars as he inhaled it. He felt as if there was too much between him and Meira. He immediately shrugged off his jacket, which caused Meira to fall off of him slightly, once her face was not the only thing in his vision anymore, he noticed that they were alone in her room,

"When did they even leave?" he chuckles, making her tail grip his other wrist as he removed his jacket. He looked at her sleeping form and then at himself in his vest, he was in his pajamas before the phone call and did not bother to change before he threw himself out of the window. He noticed that she was wrapped in his blanket from his room, which made him raise an eyebrow, he removed a bit of the blanket so that he could lay under it closer to her,

"When did you even get my blan-," his nose caught his father's scent, and his hands balled into fists as he tried to calm down, he tried concentrating on breathing evenly, as everything in him told him that he should fly straight through every wall in their house to attack his father. He pulled the blanket even further away and... noticed that she was wearing different clothes to what he had left her in that morning... his blood rushed through his body, as his chest constricted at the thought of his father undressing her, seeing what was under her clothes... he was up from the bed in a second and was about to head to the door but was then stopped by a whimper and firm grip on his wrist. He looked down and saw that Meira's tail was still wrapped firmly around his wrist, her face had a deep frown on it, as if she were in pain,

"Oops, sorry that must have hurt, I basically yanked it, didn't I?" he apologized to her sleeping form caressed her tail around his wrist, and looked at her. His eyes looked at the last bit of distress on her face, he decided that his father would live to see another day because right now all he wanted to do was comfort the sleeping Saiyan. Her frown lessened as he knelt on the bed about to crawl back into bed, that's when he caught a glimpse of himself in the window above her bed,

"When did I turn Super Saiyan?" 


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Yours Unwaveringly, 


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