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"So feelings can grow for the other person even when instincts are what started it?" she asked once she pulled away, her face still glowing from their moment, 

"Yes, -ahem- it is possible, but it does not always happen often," He explained, his face matching his wife's,  his words made her think of Goku and Chichi's odd relationship and it suddenly made sense why they were the way they were. Her mind suddenly went back to her son and Meira,

"So Trunks and-"

"-is a very different situation," Vegeta said and gasped as if he was suddenly brought back to reality, he turned to his son's bed and started removing the blankets and pillows,

"What do you mean?"

"Well, as I was explaining earlier, this should not actually be happening because Trunks is half, but they are a pair," he said, successfully stripping Trunks' bed,

"A pair?" Bulma asked, feeling tired of her lack of knowledge on this particular topic, she sighed as she took a few pillows from her husband's full arms,

"They are meant for each other, both of their instincts have been taking control of them," he said and braced for Bulma's reaction,


"You can tell, by how Trunks has been behaving," he explained as he walked to Meira's room, with his wife following closely behind,

"They slept together last night," as Vegeta stopped in front of Meira's door,


"Not sex, just sleep. Meira hated people in her bed in the past, she did not mind people in her area, but on the same bed as her, kept her awake no matter how tired she was. Yesterday, she could not sleep until Trunks came home. They must have fought each other as well, because well...a Saiyan could tell...also Trunks' power level has increased for the first time in two whole years." he covered his hand with Trunks' sheet and opened Meira's door,

"From one fight?" Bulma said shocked, knowing how hard it's supposed to increase one's power level. They walked in,

"How do know that it was not sex though? Trunks is a teen, it would have been normal," she asked which made Vegeta raise an eyebrow at her,

"Teenagers behave differently, is just plain facts backed by science, it's natural," she shrugged as she looked at Meira's sleeping form,

"Oh so you do know that, but you still prohibit the boy from healthy, natural behaviour?" Vegeta smirked teasingly at his wife, who rolled her eyes at him. He then turned around and opened Meira's blanket, careful not to touch her with his skin, and opened Trunks' blanket, draped it over Meira's sleeping form, and picked her up,


"I can tell that they did not have sex because their scents have not mixed, Saiyan's claim each other through each other's scent. She does not smell like him completely yet, which probably why he looked ready to fight me when I tried checking up on her this morning. A woman, that is unscented, is a woman that can still be claimed by another," Vegeta explained as he put Meira on the mat near the bed. He made -surprisingly- quick work of putting Trunks' sheet on her bed and mixing his pillows with hers, careful to not hold anything long enough to place his scent on it,

"You came in earlier and changed her clothes, you have my scent, the boy will attack me if he smells me on her," Vegeta explained,

"So I am masking our scent with his, it will calm him down a bit that she smells like him even though they are not a mated pair," Vegeta explained, picking Meira up and placing he back in the bed, he noticed her tailed wrapped tightly around something white, he took hold of it and tried to pull it away,

"It's no use, it's Trunks' shirt she won't let go," Bulma explained, Vegeta stood up and looked at his wife,

"You knew?"

"Well there are security cameras everywhere and I heard the two of them fly off into the sky last night before I could catch them in her room. I had my suspicions, it was confirmed when I saw her tail's death grip on his shirt this morning," she sighed, Vegeta looked at her slightly impressed, people often forgot that behind her ragging addiction to shopping and gossip, she was also a genius.

"How do you know that they are a pair and not just two young Saiyans, surely the Saiyan race would get together just to have fun, not just to stay together forever,"

"Of course, the Saiyan race did, not necessarily for fun but to create warriors. I can tell because she was not like this... with me,"

"...Did you two ..."

"No, but I wanted to when I was younger, she was the strongest Saiyan female, which made her highly desirable, I had proposed the idea many times, but she said no, she always said no to everyone. She was sworn to her duty, relationships, lust, and reproduction seldomly turned heads. Much like myself and Kakarot, her sole focus was getting stronger." Vegeta explained, in hopes that she would pick up on how himself and Meira, were definitely not even a thing of the past, 

"How is their situation different from ours? Why are they moving so fast?" Bulma asked, 

"They are different because this kind of bond usually does not give the person it affects an option... I had to get to know you to a certain extent before my instincts took over, a base to latch on, the same way that Kakarot knew his mate as a fighter before his took over. Trunks and Meira did not need to know anything about each other. They just existed and it was. Some say that this kind of bond is destined by fate itself, soulmates, if you will. " 

"And it's irreversible?"

"It could only be Trunks and no one else. Not even if we were to remove them from each other and try to get one of Kakarot's offspring to bond with her, Trunks would kill everyone first before it happens and Meira would kill anyone who would try anything with her..." Vegeta explained and saw Bulma swallow hard, 

"Well. That's good to know," Trunks' voice commented gruffly from the windowsill where he had been perched, Bulma jumped at his sudden appearance and Vegeta's eyes widened at the fact that he had not even sensed his son arrive, he had been trying to follow his son's power signature since he got onto the continent. 

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