You Read an Update

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So this fic is getting close to 400k views and that is... something... and I don't understand why anyone would like this because it is filled with mistakes, the writing is really dry and lacking, it's pretty cringy, and you know... it's bad. At least to me it is.

So I have a question for you all. I've been getting a lot of requests to rewrite it or make a sequel. I'm personally not too fond of this fic and I hate it dearly, but after reading some random snip bits of it I knew something had to be done. This thing is atrocious. Kill it with fire.

Would you rather I rewrite this fic as a whole?

Or should I make a sequel to include Now Way Home?

If you choose the first option I may very well still do both if I like it. I don't really do X Readers but it's fine, I'd probably have fun writing it anyways. A lot of y'all said it was interesting seeing a guy write a female MC.

I mean, jokes on you the MC of my actual book is a female so ha. (If you want to read it it's on my other account @ArtCatastrophe titled "Land of Armonia" which is updated every Thursday at 7:30pm MT. Please read it, I'd love the support and I assure you the writing quality is so much better there than on this fic).

I wanna do this for you guys because your comments are hilarious and I love you and your support. A lot of you have gone and read my other fics because of this one and I really really just want to thank you for that. My other fics don't really get as many views as this one because they're not X readers (my favorite one is Peter Will Die, I had so much fun writing that but if you read it be warned it's pretty violent).

It's been fun here honestly. Y'all have managed to turn something I deeply hated because of bad memories into something I just find amusing and so as my thank you I want to gift you with either writing a sequel or rewriting this original one (maybe even both who knows).

Thank you for existing. See you later in the great unknown...

-The author, Peter

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