Peter goes to California and Spider-Man disappears. Coincidence?

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How did the next couple of months go? Weird. Strange. Confusing. A nightmare. Teachers. A random face painting contest.  Peter threw you off the top of the school during Halloween (He thought you could fly cause you were dressed like a bat). You survived. Hard. Peculiar. Bizzare. Unnatural. Secretive. Ned somehow convinced his parents he didn't even know what porn was. Questions. Questions. Questions. And a lot of QUESTIONS. 

What were these questions? Well, they were from your classmates, random students at school, your family, and even Peter. Why Peter? People were asking about how you knew spiderman, and how did you meet him, and why were you with spiderman? Peter knows all of that. He shouldn't be asking. He IS spiderman. In case you forgot. Which you didn't. 

Let's get you, dear reader caught up on what happened over the past couple of months. Homecoming was close to the end of September. And now it was November. The day before Thanksgiving to be exact. You kept Peter's secret identity pretty well. He just managed to slip up in front of his Aunt. Only you, Ned, Tony Stark, Happy Hogan, and Aunt May knew. That you knew of. That Fury guy seemed like a stalker, he probably knew as well. 

Relationships? Still remaining as a goal. Not even that. You had somehow sunk further from any chance you had with Peter, as your friendship grew and deepened. Such a stupid crush. You wished you didn't feel the way you did. You wished that you could just be friends with him forever but you knew that would tear your heart apart. 

Superheroes must have been taking a vacation. Because nothing was happening all too interesting. Except this one doctor dude was stirring up the chaos that no one could see. Kinda Strange. (Pun intended.)

Now, you were about to celebrate Thanksgiving with your family. You were in Manhatten, about to dig into way too much food and explode. You piled up your plate with just a little too much food... or a lot... and sat down.  Your family made a few toasts, said grace, and began to eat.  That's when your mom pulled a pro gamer move to finally destroy you.  

"Have you guys seen Spiderman in person yet? He doesn't come to Manhatten all that often." Said one of your cousins, bouncing her baby on her knee. 

"Oh, y/n and I get to see him quite, often." your mother looked at you with a malicious smile. 'no' you mouthed at her. 'yes' she mouthed back. 

"You guys are pretty lucky. Arnie talks about him all the time. He would love to actually meet him I'm sure."  Your older cousin continued, talking about her older son. 

"Arnie's 3, he doesn't know much about that masked man." Your mother snorted. 

"True, but he idolizes him." your cousin declared. "Right Arnie? Arnie?" she looked around frantically until her eyes landed on her son who was playing with his trucks under the table. "Arnie, out from under the table."

"Ok, mom." You heard his small voice reply as he called out. He purposefully kicked your leg as hard as he could before running for the hills. You rolled your eyes. 

"I'm sorry." your cousin sighed. 

"It's fine." You mumbled. 

"Aunt m/n (mom's name), do you not like spider boy?" your cousin asked. 

"Spiderman." you corrected. 

"Spiderman?" She corrected. 

"No." Your mom stated. She looked at you with a sly smile. 'no' you mouthed again. This time she ignored you. "But y/n does." 

"Y/n? Do you know him?" your cousin asked while feeding her baby mashed potatoes. 

"I mean..." You looked away. 

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