Ned steals your gummies

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A/n why in the heck didn't you guys spam my pm box for not updating in two weeks? I mean come on I requested it. Actually, thanks for not messaging me that would've been annoying. I got busy with stuff but this is close to being finished. Enjoy,

You woke up in an airport with a massive headache. Your head was throbbing like some tiny person inside had a battering ram and was consistently bashing it against the interior of your skull. It wasn't until you sat there, hand on your head, and eyes glued to your shoes, was your mind able to resurface into consciousness, seconds after your body had. "Ow..." you groaned, looking around in annoyance.

Peter was sitting next to you.

"P-Peter?" You grumbled.

"Oh your awake, for the 6th time today..." he avoided making eye contact. He looked... flustered.

"Well I don't remember the other 5 times... what happened?" You massaged your temples.

"Hey you said that last time. And the time before that... and the time before that..." Peter looked around awkwardly.


"What?" He smiled oddly. Something was suspicious, why the heck was he blushing so hard? "Anyways, we made it to the London airport and we've been waiting for our flight for the past 3 hours. The um... situation earlier caused some delays."

"Oh... 3 hours?! How long have I been sleeping!?"

"Ha, you asked this last time too. Well... you basically passed out on the bridge so I carried you like a dead corpse until I found the class. And uh, yah I changed out of my suit obviously." He chuckled warmly and you felt your heart flutter! "And you've kinda just been in and out since we got here, and we keep repeating the same thing."

"We have?" You rubbed your eyes as if it would jog your memory.

"Yeah but it's fine. You have a concussion but Mr Harrington said he didn't trust the British doctors or something stupid like that so we're gonna get you back to America and then to a hospital... in 11 hours..." he said with a slight stutter. You shrugged, not really wanting to complain. You wanted to get home rather than stay even longer in Europe.

"Ok." You yawned. Something was on your hand. You looked down and, it was Peter's hand? You felt... surprised? You were certainly startled, "um... Peter?"

"Why are you holding my hand?"

"Sh*t" he instantly let go and pulled away, acting as if touching you was a toxic thing that would burn his very flesh to the bone. "Well uhhh funny story-"

"Do you like me or something?"

"Wait  just let me explain-"

"I thought you liked MJ?!"


"How long have we been holding hands?!"



"Just- calm down- the uhhh the first time you woke up you were acting kind of drunk last and-" he began.

"Oh no what did I say because I totally didn't mean too!" You flushed.

"You said that last time. Anyways let me-"

"Wait you were holding my hand last time too?!"

"Y/n!" Peter hid his face in his hands.

"Sorry I'm just kinda of scared I might have said something stupid." You stuttered.

"Ok, you said this the other 5 times and I know what you're gonna do next just PLEASE let me finish before-"

"Did I confess? Crap I'm sure I did." You hid your face as well, "Dam now you know and you probably hate me but Peter I-" you looked back up at his blank stare, "I think I love you."


"What do you mean yep?!" You narrowed your eyebrows, trying to mask your embarrassed face.

"You keep telling me that! I already know, and every time you tell me, I just say... I love you too." He smiled softly with the most adorable grin you never thought you would ever see.


"Also for the past three times we've done this I just decided to ask you out."


"Y/n you're my girlfriend and now since you forgot that... will you be my girlfriend? Again," he looked away with the same adorable smile plaster from ear to ear.

"I- i didn't expect that but... yes?" You said and proudly grabbed his hand. Your face was a hot tomato. You sexy beast.

"Good," he squeezed your hand, "seeing the way you react each time is priceless, you're really cute y/n."


"Don't tell me-"

"I'm gonna pass out." You stated promptly, feeling your head spin and your eyes droop.

"Not again. Looks lik I'll likely be asking you out a... 4th time I guess." He chuckled softly and tightly squeezed your hand.

"Sucker. I'll always say yes."

"You said that last time."

"Shut up"


"Ned those are MY gummy bears!" You screeched.

"Oh come on you haven't even opened them!" Ned forcefully held the package away from you.

"Yeah because I'm giving them to someone else!" You said, reaching for the bag.

"Who? Is it Peter~?" Ned said flutterishly

"Oh shut up you!" You said and snatched the bag away from them, "hey! You opened it!"

"No Peter opened them at lunch. I was just finishing them off now." Ned chuckled.

"Peter- What was that idiot doing in my locker the little cunt! Those were supposed to be for after school!" You crumpled up the nearly empty gummy bag and shoved it into Ned's chest.

"Another after school date?" Ned winked.

"What do you mean another?! This is our- second date!" You huffed.

"Y/n" you heard a voice behind you as Ned began to snicker, "we've been on probably more than 10 dates now." You turn to see, of course, Peter.

"I-" you blushed in embarrassment.

"Your memory's been getting worse." He smiled kindly at you though it was a face of pity that looked into your eyes.

"It's been a month, hasn't it." You questioned flatly and with irritation.

"Yep. And you two are so cute." Ned winked. "Any first kisses yet?"

"Well I wouldn't remember" you said, your face as deeply red as a fire hydrant.

"No, we haven't. And it's none of your business either!" Peter said jokingly, playfully pushing against Ned as you walked out of the school building. "Third wheel."

"Hey y/n was an ultimate third wheel when me and Betty were dating." Ned chuckled.

"Ha ha, yeah." And giggled, but a sickening feeling filled your gut. When did Ned and Betty date? And why did peter keep bringing up the trip? It wasn't supposed to happen for about week yet they acted like it had already happened weeks ago.  You knew, and you were afraid, you'd forgotten everything.

The only reason you remembered Peter and you were a thing was because you had your phone remind you every morning. But every morning you forgot everything that had happened.

Everything after the events of endgame... was gone.

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