Peter parker pulls a disapearing act... again

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I get nothing but SPAM from the comment section of this book and I'm totally ok with it until... those comments are INAPPROPRIATE.  I don't want to even hear what your sexual fantasy thoughts are. I'm a simple straight trans guy who made this book for fun I don't need all these disgusting comments on my book talking about people, specially Peter/Tom Holland, in a sexual manner. I've deleted the comments I've seen but I get about 100 notifications from this book a DAY I swear, so I don't see everything. But like guys please, this isn't a smut book. This is for fluff. And it's repulsing to see comments about private parts, human body and all, sexual actions, suggestive ideas, what have you. And I'm aware that some of you reading this may be adults, and some of you may be too young for Wattpad. Either way, you should be MATURE ENOUGH TO KNOW THAT THAT IS NOT OK. KEEP IT TO YOURSELF NO ONE WANTS TO SEE IT.

Ok before you click away, or start reading, let me make some thing's clear.
1. This is not a smut book.
2. Y/n is generally anybody (you, your ship, an oc etc)
3. Y/n will have their personality at my will, so I'm sorry if You were in these situations you would do a cartwheel, or hide in a desk, but y/n is most likely not going to do what you would do.
4. Y/n is 15 and then will be 16 later ok.
6. This book is directly before civil war and so on

Also, I will change some of the timelines, mostly to fit my story. So the homecoming timeline happens a week or so after Civil war instead of 2 months.

Y/N=your name (or oc name idk)
H/c= hair color
H/l= hair length
E/c =eye color

I feel like they will be pretty clear.

You walked through the halls of Midtown High like you held the world in your hands. You had a feeling something great, or important was going to happen today, and it certainly put a smile on your face. It wasn't just a feeling though. You KNEW it was going to happen. You didn't know what it was though. Your vision was to foggy to see it clearly. You had boiled it down to lunch time, something to do with Peter Parker, and algebra.

A weird combination I know. But you were used to it being like that. Your "power" that is. Your didn't know why, or what it was. But you had proven it pretty useful. Like one time you predicted something to do with rain, a sandwich, and Flash. And you were able to successfully grab a sandwich hurled at you in the rain by Flash Thompson, and take a bite out of it smugly before tossing it back at him. Needless to say he was surprised you countered his attack.

The rest of the school however, didn't think it was cool. You were teased, and even bullied by fellow students. But you figured that one day, you could make an impact on the image of earth, become a celebrity, praised even, and prove them all to be jackasses.

You couldn't help but think about your prediction that morning. You now anticipated lunch, eager to know what was going to happen. Peter was an oddball, and to hard to talk to. But you considered him a friend. Sure, you didn't hang out with him after school, or in classes, but you sometimes sat with him at lunch.

Sitting in the library during lunch, had gotten boring. And since Peter and Ned were easy to intimidate, they never pushed you away. So you could only figure that they would let you sit with them again today.

"Hey soothsayer!" Flash's voice boomed behind you. You grimaced and the sound of your nickname by the jerks of Midtown high. Soothsayer... a person who can predict the future by magic.

"What Flash?" you spun on your heels, holding your books tightly to your chest.

"What's the fortune of the day?" he said in a mocking tone.

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