Your hotel turns out to be a motel... with a swimming pool

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It was early morning by now and you were headed to the school bus. One thing about school buses you wish you didn't know was that about 800 hundred people get killed during a field trip, or more specifically on a school bus. That's delightful, isn't it? You were wearing your usual attire, except for the yellow jacket your class was given for the trip. It fit you well but totally clashed horribly with literally any color on your body. 

The gang was huddled to the side of the bus while Flash recorded for his blog. You managed to start up a conversation with MJ when someone ran up behind you. You facepalmed, knowing exactly who it was. You had seen it this morning almost the second you woke up. Peter Parker would be regrouping with decathlon for the third or fourth time in a month.

"Hey, guys." He said sheepishly, embarrassed for his so-called unpredicted appearance. 

"Hey hey hey wait a second!" Flash lowered his arm which held his phone. "You can't just come back! You're not coming-" 

"Oh hey, Peter." Mr. Harrington hopped off the bus. "Glad to see you came back. Flash you're no longer captain." 

"But what?!" Flash gasped as Peter put on his bright yellow jacket. 

"Alright everyone lets get on the bus and roll!" Mr. Harrington gestured the doors of the bus, one of which seemed to be duck-taped together. 

You hobbled over to Peter as everyone crammed themselves on the bus. "What's your deal man?" You asked, nudging his elbow.

"What? I just erm... Decided to come back. That's all." He chuckled nervously. You raised an eyebrow.

"Whatever you say. Don't ditch last minute again." You warned. 

"K." He said and sat down next to Ned. You had to sit down across the aisle from them. You were now contemplating your life decisions. For the majority of the ride, Liz was quizzing every one, and every one rang a bell to answer. You didn't really feel like participating, but you still did. Peter was lightning fast, preventing almost everyone from ever answering. 

That is he was until he got a sudden phone call. He had asked to be excused and went to the back of the bus. You strained your ears to eavesdrop, though you knew that wasn't wise nor polite. You heard nothing because he was keeping his voice down. But when he came back he seemed slightly nervous. As if he had just been caught with his hand in a cookie jar. You pretended not to notice.

"Dude, what was that?" Ned whisper yelled to Peter. Peter instantly tried to shush him. 

"Quiet!" he looked around to see if anyone had noticed. Fortunately, Liz asked a question just in time to save you from being caught. Peter turned back to Ned."It was Happy, one of Stark's assistants. They know I left Queens." 

"Does that matter?" Ned asked.

"Yes because that means Mr. Stark put a tracker in my suit. He'll catch on." Peter lowered his voice even more. The roar of the bus was now too loud for you to hear him and Ned, but now you were curious. You jumped in the seat behind them and tapped both of their heads.

"What are you two losers talking about?" You asked slyly with a smirk on your face.

"N-nothing! Just that um..."

"There's a p-pool at the hotel." Ned blurted out. Peter looked at me uneasily. "And we um... want to.... swim?" Peter punched Ned in the arm. "OW!"

"Whatever. We're almost there anyway, and I'm pretty sure they won't let us in the pool." You said, and the boys looked relieved. 

"That's. Yep." Peter said stiffly. "Bummer."

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