May says a cuss word and Your mom says One... or two... or ten

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A/N ok so please read. This chapter talks about social media. I don't have Instagram, or Twitter, or Snapchat, or Facebook but I still brought it up here. I don't have these apps because I just don't want them to damage my self-worth, so just a personal opinion. Therefore, I do not know exactly how they work. I tried not to go into much detail on them, only using what I know. So please don't comment about how "Twitter doesn't work like that" or whatever. I already know I'm probably incorrect. 

Also, yes there is cussing in this chapter. I try to stray away from putting that in my writing cause it just is unpleasant for others to read i my opinion. No offense to anyone, but when I read something and there is unnecessary cussing, I just think the author is an edgy 12-year-old, or just not the brightest on vocabulary so they randomly put it there. Unless it's part of the context, character, or point, I don't like it at all. In-person it's different. I still censored them out cause I already know there will be 11-year-olds reading this lol. 

IMPORTANT AND SERIOUS PLEASE READ! THIS IS DANGEROUS!  Someone is using my email for Instagram and is sending friend requests to a lot of people I know in person, and online. Their name is frenchbug102019, and I don't know too much about them. So if you are a follower of me on Wattpad and someone like, messages you (I don't know how it works) claiming to be me and wants to be your friend, please decline. I've been trying to take down the account for a while, but so far it isn't working. I don't want to delete my email cause it's the email I use for Wattpad and youtube. So if you have Instagram, just be wary. I don't know what they are doing but they are definitely pretty good at pretending to be me. I get a notification in my email about them and what they are doing, and who's accepted their friend requests. I'm begging you not to. It's not me! 

On with the story!

The next morning you had slept in later than usual. You slept a whole two hours extra! Your parents didn't think much of it, probably assuming you were exhausted from the dance last night.  What they didn't know was that you stayed at Peter Parker's house, until at least 2 in the morning.  Both of you were so tired last night, you just wanted to stay at his house to sleep. But you both had managed to get you home before your parents discovered you were missing.  Thank goodness they had gone to bed early, expecting Peter's aunt or someone else to bring you home. 

You wanted to get Ned and Peter to hang out with you today, but unfortunately, that couldn't happen. Ned was in trouble. And it was a laughable reason, should that supervisor he had told he was watching Porn actually knew what was happening. Ned's parents were told and now he was grounded. And you thought it was hilarious. 

Peter couldn't hang out because he had something special, as he would put it. Apparently Happy was at the scene of the crime last night, and of course, told THE Tony Stark about it. And surprisingly, Tony was amazed and impressed by Peter's actions. So Peter was having a meeting with the famous billionaire that Saturday, and you were left in your apartment in Queens, absolutely bored to death. 

You were reading Wattpad. Why not? And you were now convinced your phone was spying on you because it was giving you all this Spiderman crap to offer. Weird fanfiction you were NOT interested in. So you went to youtube and to no surprise, spiderman. He was everywhere, in all your recommendations, in all social media, and so on.  You were just about to put the phone down when a random video caught your eye. 

Someone had gotten a picture of you and Peter.

Correction, someone had gotten a picture of you and spiderman swinging around Queens in the middle of the night without his mask on like an idiot. Luckily, the motion blur had covered your faces perfectly. But what had that person seen while taking the photo?

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