You get hit in the head with a Potato

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You were laying on the carpet of your bedroom floor, screaming into a pillow. Just like any normal day, right? You wanted to scream. You wanted to scream at Peter of all people. That sweet, gentle, kind-hearted boy, yeah. That's who you wanted to unleash all your scream power at. 

"Why are you so stubborn?" you rolled over on your back, "Get it together y/n, you're overreacting." 

"Y/n?" your mom called from the kitchen, "You're talking to yourself again!"

"Sorry, mom!" you called back. You rolled back to your stomach, hurrying your face in a pillow again. 

"It's not your fault, it's not your fault, its not your fault," you mumbled into the pillow.  "Yeah, you have nothing to do with the fact that Tony Stark died which is part of the reason Peter has been all angsty and-" you relived the events of Tony's death in your vision. You knew he was going to die, you even distracted Thanos to help him kill himself. "Yep, it's my fault. I should have made that Captain Marvel lady do instead, she could have held the power of the stones." 

Technically, you might have been able to do it too. You had part of the time stone inside you, captain Marvel had part of the space stone inside her. Either one of you could have heard it and survived. You couldn't tell Peter that, he would hate you. 

"He already hates me though...." you said into the pillow to muffle your voice. You remembered kissing him before you died. Did he even remember that? Did he even care? Or was he pretending it never happened? "Ugh," you rolled over onto your side, pressing two fingers to your lips. You wanted to kiss him again, but that was just a stupid girl crush thing. You probably weren't even in love with him. 

You brushed a hand over your cheek. You knew the true fact was that you wanted to be with Peter. Even though you were young, and everyone told you that it was just a phase, a silly crush, just your teenage emotions, you knew it was real. But did he even care?

You heard something tap against your window.  You rolled over on your back, placed your hands beside your head, and lifted yourself like a reverse push up, arching your back like a rainbow. You tilted your head upside down to see the window. Gross it was a man. Well, a teenage boy in red and blue spandex like armor. 

You fell over. You jumped to your feet and opened the window. "Peter? What the heck you creep."

"I just wanted to apologize," he said, his mask automatically coming off metalically. 

"Youbetter. that was rude." You folded your arms.

"What were you doing on the floor?"

"Nothing. Now apologize." you kept your arms folded, "And keep your voice down, my mom already thinks I'm crazy for talking to myself."

"Ok, geeze." He sat himself in the frame of your window, lowering his voice, "I know you were trying to be nice to me and I didn't realize that until... yeah... and now I feel like a jerk for just saying all that. I hope you didn't take it personally." 

"Oh, I didn't even think twice about it," you lied. You totally didn't just have a mental breakdown on the floor of self consciousness, self blame, guilt, and pressure. Nah.

"Oh," he frowned.

"Is that it?" you questioned. You kinda hoped he would say something else. Something that was just on your mind.

"Yeah, I guess," he shrugged. You felt your heart sink. 

"Oh, ok." you sighed disheartedly, "Well, how's it going coming back out as spiderman?"

"Its a bloodbath holy crap." he flared, "Yeah, the crime rate went up for a reason. There wasn't as many people to stop them! And the police have been busy trying to fix everything but they're not that good at it!"

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