Peter suffers a loss, and so does Earth

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A/n, first of all, I'm sorry for disappearing for at least a month. My computer keyboard stopped working, and I really didn't want to type this on a phone. I fixed it. I wrote a lot on my normal story, and now my keyboard stopped working again. So here I am, finally updating, writing on a phone just as I didn't want to. You're welcome.

Avoid and evade was something you'd learned from watching a TV show. It was a good practice to be a Air Bender or something. And right now, it was coming in handy. Except you were pretty sure the character in that show didn't run away ALL the time. Which is exactly what you were doing, cause you're a special, yet horrified, bean.

Run towards the danger, jump away from the danger last minute, run away from the danger screaming. Monk Gyatso would not be so pleased with you.

If you could have been anywhere right now it would have been back at home watching YouTube and eating ice-cream. Probably being annoyed by your ever so loud neighbors. One of your neighbors had teenage girls, and when it was sleepover night, it meant you weren't sleeping, and they were squealing. Yes, that would have been preferable to this.

"Where the duck is Thanos?! Where the squawk is Peter?!" Your rambled to yourself as you continued not dying.  "Where did that furry cosplay dude go?! Maybe I shouldn't have handed him the sparkly glove..."

You ran into an open scene, crouching behind a slaughtered dismembered car door for protection against open fire. You were close enough to the edge of the battle to see Doctor Strange, messing with water from a lake or something. 

'Hey!' You tried speaking to him with your mind. Then you remembered he didn't have the time stone. He couldn't hear you. 'Great'

"Y/n!" Steven Strange bellowed.

"You can see me?!" You outburst.

"You're in plain sight, I'm not dumb."  He rolled his eyes. He was obviously struggling with keeping the water from flooding the battle.

"What?" You hissed.

"You're gonna need to get in the sight of Tony Stark. Can you do that for me?" Doctor strange asked. "Don't question it, you'll understand later."

You peered over the top of your dismembered car door. Iron man was dinking around fighting aliens.  "But that's gonna kill me!"

"I don't care! Do it!" He grimaced.

"Fine." You jumped up like a bullet and dashed into the middle of a fight. Not smart. But you lived. "Mr Stark? Can you see me?" You waved your hands. Nothing. He was to busy. "Look at me! I'm fabulous just look at me!" Still nothing, bu what did you expect. You jumped and rolled into a pit for cover. You needed the perfect opportunity to steal his attention somehow. So you waited.

And that's when Thanos came rolling through. And a sparkly lady who seemed important was dueling him. Thanos had the gauntlet. You knew you shouldn't have trusted the furry. He raised his fingers, preparing to snap, when the sparkly lady by the name Captain Marvel, grabbed him by the hand. She kept his fingers open, with unimaginable strength. She must also have an infinity stone as a part of her.

Thanos b*tch slapped her into your ditch.

It was so sudden you barely rolled out of the way in time. She crumpled pathetically into the dirt. Dang you though that if she had her own movie that made her so awesome that she wouldn't get punched by an infinity stone and get defeated so easily. She could have been so great. But hey, compared to her you're just a girl. A girl who tries to skip out on gym.

You looked out at Tony, who was now trying to keep Thanos from snapping as well. This was the brink of the battle. The high point. It was live or die. You made yourself look into the future and saw something you didn't want to see. But it explained why Strange wanted you to be there. You already knew it was going to happen, you just didn't have the courage to even think about it.

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