Ned is almost killed by a slug

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"How did you manage to get your finger stuck in the door?!"


"MJ!" You squealed, rubbing down the now crowded halls of your chaotic school.

"Y/n!" MJ greeted, hugging you for the first time, ever.

"I thought you didn't blip and that you were now 21 years old and forgot about us!" You chuckled.

"Oh, this has been chaotic. But yes I wondered the same thing about you." MJ snickered.

"Guys." Ned deadpanned. "My fingers are still stuck in the fricken door."

"NED!" You pulled him away from the door with the power of hugging, practically ripping his fingers in half as he escaped the trap of the door frame. "You're alive!"

"Yeah!" Ned squeaked. His fingers were throbbing with pain. "And you jumped off a bus. And off a bridge. With Peter." He gasped.

"Yeah, long story." You sighed. "It's so good to finally know where you are!"

"Is Peter alive?! Or is he 21?! Or is he..." Ned looked to you for answers.

"No no, he's alive. I just... I actually don't know where he is. I haven't seen him since the world uncut itself in half." You admitted.

"Don't worry, the dork probably is just lost in the massive sea of students." MJ snickered again.

"Yeah probably." You felt your eyes scanning over the overly large crowd for Peters's curled brown locks.

"Wanna see if the teachers even remember who we are?" MJ asked.

"Definitely." You agreed. "Ned?"

"Nah. I'm gonna look for Peter." He sighed.

"Suit yourself." MJ shrugged, grabbing you by the wrist.  She pulled you off to the auditorium to find Mr. Harrington. 

"My locker changed, and now I don't know where to put my stuff."  You groaned.  You and MJ had just finished pranking as many teachers as possible.  Unfortunatly, a lot of your teachers were also victim to the blip.  And their jobs were replaced.  But Mr.  Harrington had survived!  You swore he practically lost his marbles when hee saw you two.

"Just find a teacher I dunno.  I'm not the mind behind this stuff."  MJ grumbled.

"Thanks, you're so helpful."  You said sarcastically. 

"I know, no need to thank me though."  she smirked.

"I'm gonna head up to the office and see if they even have me in the school system.  We might not even have lockers, the amount of students practically doubled!"  you waved her off.

"Its so weird seeing all those noob sixth graders actually grown up and in our class."  MJ wrinkled her nose.

"Noob?"  you raised an eyebrow.  "Come on MJ."

"Whatever." She chuckled.  "FYI, no one stole my locker because I never used my locker.  I have my own hiding places..."

"Whatever you say girl." you said as you turned away to head towards the main office. 

It was hard to swim through the halls of students.  It was a bit awkward, because everyone seemed so chill,and everyone who had flipped back just seemed out of place. They knew you didn't belong.  They knew you had been missing for 5 years.  It made you out of place.  And knowing that some of these kids were little childish brats what seemed like yesterday to you, were now a threatening bully, an awkward geek, or a bulky jock, you name it.  Everything had changed, and there was nothing you could do about it. 

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