Peter messes up his chance

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A week went by, the school was out for the summer, all seemed well.  That attack from Thanos was resolved 8 months ago, but yet it seemed like yesterday.  You often hated the memory and could understand why Peter chose to forget about your... incident with him that involved lips and adust and death.  The perfect way to describe it. Genious. 

You wanted to forget it too but obviously you couldn't.  Everything that happened that day was so vivid in your mind as if it would never be forgotten.  A permanent scar in your memories. 

Well on that fun note, you were packed and ready to go to Europe where you would meet your demise.  You already knew that some strange elements like creatures were gonna F up your trip.  Which is exactly why you wanted to go!  I mean, who wouldn't?  If you died you died but if you survived you had like, the collect story to tell.  Also, Avatar the Last Airbender? Probably.

"Bye mom, I'll be safe, don't worry."  you smiled as you headed for the door of your apartment.  Your mom didn't say anything in response.  She didn't even spare you a glance.  She just stared at the TV screen playing nothing, drool oozing from her lip.  You frowned.  She never spoke anymore, and when she did it was only in one-syllable words.  Not even complete sentences.  "I love you,"  you said softly, hoping she would say she loved you back.  All one-syllable words, something she should be able to say.  But her eyes seemed glossy and black, and she barely moved except to blink. 

You sighed and shut the door.

"I'm sorry mom."

You left down the stairwell of the apartment building, hawling your suitcase with you.  Peter was supposed to pick you up today.  Well, really his aunt but he would be there too.  You pulled your single suitcase out the front of the building and into the almost empty sidewalk.

"Y/n!" you heard a voice call, then a car horn blared.  You glanced up and saw May smiling at you from the drivers seat of the car, honking it's horn. She wore a broad smile plastered across her face.

"H-hey?" you jogged forward.

"May stop honking the horn you'll wake up the poor people in the apartments... also you're making a scene."  Peter flustered, his cheeks a deep shade of red that spread to his ears. 

"Sorry, Pete."  May removed her hand from the horn.  "You can put your stuff in the back y/n." you nodded and opened the trunk of the car to put your suitcase in.  You saw Peter's suitcase there too, with BFP inscripted to it.  What did that mean?  It was probably just some sort of branding. After that you hopped in the back seat of the car, with Peter in the front passenger's seat.  "So uh... to the airport huh?" May chuckled.

"Yep." Peter said stiffly, his face still scrunched up and flustered in an adorable sort of way. 

"Ok, so..." you looked out the window, "Who do you think you'll sit with on the flight?"

"I think the seats are in rows of three, so me you and Ned can sit together if you'd want." Peter offered. 

"Sure thing." you nodded.

"Aw, cuties."  May grinned.

"Shut up May." Peter mumbled, looking like he had never spoken to a girl before. 

"You want to sit with MJ right?"  you sighed,  "Thats alright.  I can trade seats with her.  Its no big deal." 

"Peter..." My said with a folding tone.

"N-no its not like that." Peter slumped to the side. "I just... yeah I guess."


"May I know," Peter looked out at the street, "It's fine, Y/n, sit with me and Ned. Please."

"Whatever you say man." you shrugged.  Even though you had a crush on him, and wanted to be with him, you wanted the best for him.  If he was head over heals for a girl who probably felt the same way for him, then you felt it was your duty to get the two together as soon as possible.

You arrived at the airport about the same time as the rest of the class, bunched up right outside and huddled together.  You and Peter said goodbye to May, and joined the group huddled together.  You all were waiting on Betty, who had a tendency to be late to things.  Ned was standing with MJ, and Peter joined him.  You followed behind, glumly. 

"How's rosegold doing?"  Ned winked.

"Shut the heck up." Peter scolded him.  Peter seemed a bit moody today.

"What is this rosegold thing?  You guys bring it up a lot." MJ questioned.

"I-its nothing!" Peter stammered.

"It's a secret code word."  Ned winked at Peter again.

"No its a uh... online account... for..."


"NED WHAT THE HECK?!" Peter almost shrieked whilst whispering. 

"Uh..." you glanced at MJ who was equally as both concerned and surprised as you were.

"Peter, is there something you aren't telling us?"  MJ said sugjestivly.

"No, nothing at all. Ned is... gambling." Peter corrected himself. You rose a brow.

"Yep. I have a serious gambling addiction." Ned winked at Peter again.

"Stop it right there before you make things worse." Peter groaned. 

"Well, that was another rollercoaster.  You guys have been acting weird." MJ pointed out.

"Its nothing, just, stuff."  Peter shrugged.




"So i brought my laptop, we can play video games the entire flight."  Ned opened up his computer.  You were sitting on the window seat, while Ned was in the middle and Peter in the aisle. 

"Yes!"  You squealed.

"Ned I need your help sitting next to-"

"MJ?" you interrupted.  Peter looked up at you in surprise. "Oh don't act shocked you already told me you doofus."

"N-no its not-"

"I've got ya covered buddy." Ned winked. What was with all the winking lately?

"Ned no-" Peter tried to object but Ned had already managed to clamber over Peter and waltz down to where MJ and Betty were sitting. 

"I'm sorry girls but uh... the old lady sitting in front of us is setting off Peter's perfume allergy, and Betty maybe you could just swap seats with him?  I'm sorry..." Ned said kindly.

"A perfume allergy?"  MJ rose a brow.

"Peter has a perfume allergy?" Mr. Harrington's head popped above the seat.

"Oh no-"

"Oh we can't have this. Here uh... MJ get up, Pete why don't you just sit with me. MJ go over with Brad, and Betty switch with Peter..."

"That sounds a lot more complicated then it needed to be."  You grumbled.

"Shoot."  Peter slumped forward.

"It's ok Pete, you still have the rest of the vacation to talk with her." you assured as Peter un buckled himself. Peter studied your face for a moment.

"sure." he said and stood up to leave.  Ned and Betty took his spot. This was going to be a loooong flight. 

a/n sorry for the short chapter! I'm running short on time and I want to update frequently! I hope this is good enough.

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