Trail 1 - 11 : End

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┏━━━━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━━━━┓

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┏━━━━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━━━━┓

• Hide and Seek

┗━━━━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━━━━┛

The times tend to move forward, disregarding everything that is regrettable and pitiful

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The times tend to move forward, disregarding everything that is regrettable and pitiful. That explains the explicit reason for time, as well as how ridiculous it can be most of the time. Time keeps going forward as seconds turn into minutes, minutes into hours, and hours into days, but we remain.

You see, the idea of time and its complexity are completely absurd, and they leave a terrible disgust for other people's memories. I'm not sure how it continues to have an impact on others or how we perceive the prosperity of time, but just thinking about it feels right. Time is undoubtedly threatening and controlling. Or you could say that it affects how you live your life on a daily basis.

Quite so. Wouldn't it be so awfully endearing to see time stop for once? Due to a dearth of evidence and other factors, all of those issues may as well be put on hold in order to indulge those childish carnal desires to cause mayhem by committing crimes that cannot be seen or challenged.

Aside from all of those, Vior believed that time was a waste of definition and space. She's been sitting there, staring blankly at the screen, with a piece of blueberry cake beside her, a sweet milkshake beside it, but she's been so focused on the test that she's long forgotten its presence. What was it that intrigued her so much?

Was it how Team A taunted the highly regarded Ranker? Or was it the fact that she kept finding herself seeking out those mopped of blue? If she is given the option, she will undoubtedly choose the latter. In fact, she'll hereby declare how invested she was in Khun's actions and schemes.

She's curious; she'd like to read through those tenacious, blazing sapphires. What did he chase after so desperately? If it was recognition from his own family, it should have been simple — far simpler to achieve than what he is going through now. There's another factor that pushes him forward, pushing him to test his limit and see where his road lies ahead.

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