Chapter 50

247 17 9

Trigger Warning: Abuse, bloods.

Title: Powerful and also rescue!?

"We both know, Cassian, that you are the traitor from the start, not because I lost my memories doesn't mean I'm stupid like you," I smirk and spat the blood in my mouth. God, this feels so illegal to bleed so much.

Cassian looks at me angrily before snapping, he grab my chin so hard and use it as advantages to link his other hand to my neck and choked me.

I tried to breathe, I tried. But no matter what I feel like I'm getting in the deep black slumber.

"Yes, Nashira. I am." He smirk to me so my eyes narrowed to his eyes. "I am the one who tried to kill you, I tried my best to be close to you once again but seeing you with my brother is suffocating the hell of me. I decided that I have to kill you in order to make him suffer."

A smirk spread to my lips. "Y-you t–trying to... m–make h-him... suffer?" I choked, he held my neck so tightly as he choke me. Blood slipping through to my lips like I expected. I will die here without hugging him, without kissing my Ciel.

I start to feel unconscious but Cassian just smirk and kick me in the stomach, making the chair stumble in the floor. My eyes widened as I try to function my breathing. He kick me once... twice... and multiple times that I was coughing so much blood. My body is hitting the chair so it gave me so much pain that it's already is.

"I will make you suffer before you die! You deserve it for not loving me!" He smirk as he spat his saliva to me. It was sticky shit.

"Ooh? I thought you like Nashira? Why are you beating her?" Janette shows up with a smirk. She twirls her hair while walking towards to us. I breathe once again but I guess my lungs is not working because of them beating me up.

"I'm planning to kill her... she's not going to be mine anymore! I decided to kill her for your own good, right, Janette?" He smirk so I looked at them, not showing any submission. "If she was there, Ciel won't love you without reminding her."

Janette clap her hands together and smiled to Cassian. "You're right! I want to give her more beating but I couldn't let my hand touch a disgusting person like her. So, I'm going now! I just say Hi to Nashira and since she was listening, my foot will say Hi."

Before I could responce a kick sends to my face, her heels is digging through my face. Will I see Ciel again? If I die would I go back to my own world?

When Janette remove her foot in my face, she smirk as I tried to breathe once again.

"Looks like I won't be seeing you again. Don't worry, Cassian. The grave is already ready for her!" She giggles and my eyes snapped immediately to them. No way In hell I will let that happen! I close my eyes for a moment to think. "Nashira this is the goodbye. See you in hell."

"N-no... I-ikaw lang a-ang... m-mapupunta sa I-impyerno kasi..." Napaubo uli ako kaya napatingin silang parehas sa akin. "K-kasi pinapanood l-lang kita mula sa T-taas."

Janette face became red and immediately more kicks sends to me but I'm happy that I riled her up. It was funny teasing her, I know I will die here but little fun is good.

"Fucking bitch! Kill her, Cassian! I will leave her to you!" She hurriedly leave so I let out a weak laugh. Janette you are fucking doomed. I gulp the remaining saliva in my mouth since I'm thirsty.

Cassian looks at my bloody face, his eyes suddenly became worried but I laugh, spatting all the blood the form to my mouth. There's a lot of blood in me.

"I-it's hard I-isnt it? Thinking you're the person behind all of this strings and can end me, when in reality you're the Puppet," I said weakly, there's no joy but only void in my voice. He's eyes look at me but I looked at him tiredly, hours of getting beaten is not good.

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