me too

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Karl was nervous. Obviously, Who wouldn't be. He was meeting his best friend. It wasn't for the first time though, which was what was confusing. It was the first time since they'd started dating though.

He didn't know what to think. He shouldn't have been nervous. They'd gotten pretty comfortable over call together. But being in person.
Obviously they'd been all touchy with each other the first few times they'd met, but now..

Now they were dating. Sapnap had admitted to all the butterflies he got whenever karl brushed up against him. Karl admitted to how much he enjoyed the feeling of sapnap's arms wrapped around him. But they admitted it all over the phone. Now they'd be seeing each other in person. There'd be nothing stopping them from.. kissing.

They had talked about it, they would just not kiss unless they'd both be comfortable with it and asked permission.

Karl had kissed very few people in his life
but he did like it when he did.
Just nudges and cuddles made him fall head over heels.

where r u

food court area by the bathroom
I'm so excited

He didn't mention how nervous he was. He didn't need to.

and nervous

me too but we'll figure it out

we will
look up

Karl looked up from his phone.

I'm right in front of you blind bitch

He still didn't notice him until he saw a familiar face waving at him with his big shy smile.

He gasped softly with excitement. Then he ran up to Sapnap and embraced him in a tight hug. His head went over his shoulder and he tucked his nose into the stands of hair sticking out of Sapnap's baseball cap.

He took a deep breath and leaned back to look at him. Sapnap seemed so surreal. Too perfect. He - almost subconsciously - cupped his face with his hands

"Hi." sapnap said, putting his hands on top of Karl's.

Karl hugged him again, then leaned down slightly to kiss him roughly on the cheek. sapnap jokingly pushed him away.

"Hm, stop." Sapnap giggled.

Realization jolted Karl back to reality.

"Ahh, did you get your stuff yet?" Sapnap shook his head.
"Okay, let's go get it and then we can drive home."


They tried to rush out of the airport, both wanting to be out of the crowds of people.

As soon as they got to Karl's house, Sapnap collapsed onto his couch. Karl took a seat beside him, stretching his arm across Sapnap.

Sapnap giggled and turned on his side to face Karl. "I missed you." he said. "it's weird now that we're together."

"Yeah." karl said. "we'll figure it out, okay?" he took sapnap's hand in his.

"Tell me if I overstep anything." Karl said.

"Same goes for you." he replied.

Karl looked at his eyes, then down to his lips, then back to his eyes.

"...Can I?" he nearly whispered. "if I'm going too fast then I totally-"

Sapnap sat up straighter. "You can." he breathed.

Karl let out a short giggle. He leaned forward and cupped Sapnap's face, kissing him.
Sapnap took karl's hands in his, taking them off of his face, while still maintaining the gentle kiss. he held karl's hands in his own on his lap.

They broke the kiss momentarily to catch their breath.
"I've.. wanted to do this for so long." Sapnap muttered.

Karl smiled.
"Me too.." he said, going in to kiss him again.

600 words.

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