probably should stop

798 33 53

spicy kissing be warned

"Karl!" Dream shouted, waving him over to him and Sapnap across the airport. A smile grew on Karl's face when he saw them, making his way over to hug Dream first, quickly followed by much longer embrace with Sapnap.

Dream coughed to remind them that he was still there, and the two immediately separated. "Well you two sure missed each other." he laughed. Karl nervously giggled.

"Like you and George didn't do the same thing, you guys hugged for like an hour straight." Sapnap rolled his eyes, grabbing Karl's wrist and starting to find the exit.

"Hey, hold on-" Dream scrambled after them.

"C'mon, we have like 5 minutes before our free parking expires."


"For future reference, me and George had the excuse of not having met each other for like ten years, and didn't you two just see each other like, last month?" Dream said, getting in the driver's seat.

"Are we still talking about this?"

"He has a point," Karl teased from the backseat.

"Oh so you're on his side now?" Sapnap scoffed, turning around briefly before looking back in front of himself, crossing his arms jokingly. Dream started the car as they started the drive home.

"..I missed you." Karl whispered into Sapnap's ear, leaning forward to the passenger seat headrest. Sapnap's cheeks suddenly blushed bright pink, and he let out a faint breathy laugh.

"Wow I'm invisible I swear," Dream laughed, staring at them. "I knew you two had massive crushes on each other but this is just too obvious."

Karl smiled, knowing it was a bit more than a "crush" at this point. "Oh, we do not."


"And this is your room, sorry if it's kinda empty we're still decorating this place," Dream said, showing Karl where he'd be staying for the next week or two. "I'll go try and wake George up, you can put some of your stuff away if you want."

"Sounds good!" He said, as Dream walked down the hall. Karl stepped into the room. It wasn't too empty, compared to how much Dream had prepared him for it. It was nice, homey. He set his suitcase down beside the bed, when he heard the door behind him shut. He turned around to see Sapnap standing there.

"Hey," he smiled.

"Hey," Karl raised one eyebrow, smiling back at him before walking closer.

"Um, I was gonna ask you something.." Sapnap said in a more serious tone, his facial expression turning more solemn.

"What's up? Is something wrong?" Karl asked softly.

"Well, I know some of your friends already know about.. us.. but we haven't really said anything about if we're going to tell Dream and George yet."

"Do you want to tell them?" Karl asked, letting go of Sapnap's hand - which he hadn't even noticed he was holding - and walking over to the bed to sit down.

"I don't know," Sapnap sat beside him. "I think so.. I don't really know how to tell them though, I'm not even out to them yet. God, I don't even know what I am."

"Hey, don't put it like that. You're Sapnap, Nick, my boyfriend. There's no rush to have a label, you don't even have to use one, and you don't have to come out to anyone until you're ready."

Sapnap smiled, putting his head on Karl's shoulder. "You're soo.." he looked back up at karl, thinking.

"I'm so what?" he teased

Sapnap's eyes trailed down to Karl's lips. "So.." He couldn't really think of a word to describe him at that moment that would completely capture how he felt towards Karl. It wasn't just that Karl was nice or pretty, its that he was beautiful, and soft and fuzzy, and gentle and warm. He was captivating and lighthearted but always knew what to say.

He brought their lips together softly, but Karl's hands wrapped around his head and deepened the kiss.

"I still haven't forgiven you for not hugging me first at the airport." Sapnap chuckled, exasperated, after breaking the kiss momentarily.

"Will this make it up to you?" Karl cupped his face, his heart beating and his cheeks vibrant, and kissed him. Their chests crashed against each other as Karl pinned him down on the guest bed, kissing him passionately.

"We should stop," Karl whispered, squinting his eyes down at Sapnap in a smile, after breaking the kiss slightly.

"Don't," Sapnap muttered, starstruck, lifting his head up to connect their lips once again. "Wait."

Karl rolled off of him and onto the bed, then sat up. "What is it?"

Sapnap sat up and walked over to the door remorsefully, locking it. "Sorry," he said, walking back to the bed.

"Don't be. We should probably go downstairs-"

"Are you guys almost done in there, we've been waiting for you downstairs!" Dream shouted on the other side of the door, knocking.

"Yeah, just a second!" Karl said, pulling Sapnap by his shirt towards him and kissing him.

"Do you forgive me now?" Karl whispered against Sapnap's lips.

"I-" If his face wasn't bright red before, it sure was now.

Karl stood up, and opened the door, walking past Dream and skipping down the stairs. Sapnap sat there on the bed, covering his face with a hand.

"What's that about?" Dream asked, leaning against the now open doorway.


"Have you seen a mirror lately? If you don't confess soon, man I don't wanna be a witness to your obvious crushing."

"Oh, hypocrite," Sapnap looked up, laughing.

"C'mon let's go downstairs."


After a while of bickering about what movie to watch, Karl finally succeeded in snatching the tv remote out of Dream's hand and putting something on. He was however, the first one to fall asleep, slumping down in his beanbag, quickly followed by George, then Dream. Worth noting that George was being hugged against Dream on the couch.

That left Sapnap, the only one still awake and watching the movie, despite having been the biggest protester when Karl had put it on. He turned to look at Karl passed out beside him, his head in the process of sliding off of the beanbag and onto the floor. Slowly, careful not to wake him, he slid his arms around Karl's stomach and hugged him from behind.

"What are you doing?" Karl groaned quietly, stretching his legs. Sapnap shushed him, and buried his head in the back of Karl's neck.

"They might see us, fyi," Karl whispered. He quickly shut his mouth and smiled after he felt a pair of warm lips press against his neck.

"I'll take that chance," Sapnap's voice muttered against him before continuing to kiss him.

"And if they don't, they'll see on my neck what happened," Karl whispered, trying to make sure Sapnap knew exactly what he was getting himself into.

"Oh, I'm counting on it."


anyway please give me ideas for oneshots aha

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