a fool to keep pretending that ur loving me

671 22 18

omg angst kinda 🤭

As Karl saw it, there was nothing more frustrating than having someone kiss you and then call you their best friend the next day. Of course, he knew Sapnap wasn't fully awake when he did it, but it still happened, and it was eating up all of his thoughts. The fact that Sapnap didn't even seem to remember almost felt insulting. That kiss, that 5 second kiss was probably the best thing that had happened to him all month, it seemed like, and the fact that he was the only person that remembered it made it feel like he just imagined the whole thing.

He felt stuck, trapped. Like there wasn't much he could do in the situation he was in, besides just let it happen. He hated that feeling. Like he was lost in a foreign country without his wallet, or something.

"I love you," Sapnap whispered, making Karl jolt back into reality. How long had Sapnap been staring at him? They had both been watching a movie on Karl's couch, which was now paused, and apparently Sapnap took notice to how pissed off Karl looked.

"I.." Karl studied Sapnap's face. He had the same eyes that Karl had caught staring at his lips time and time again. The same lips that had kissed him the night before. Sapnap's expression was a concerned one, which somehow made Karl even more mad. Like he was the crazy one.

"What's wrong?" Sapnap asked, cautiously.

"What's wrong with me? No, what's wrong with you?" Karl stood up off the couch.


Hearing those words confirmed basically all of Sapnap's suspicions. Karl was mad that he kissed him. Sapnap did remember, but if he just pretended he didn't maybe, he had thought, they would both forget it ever happened.

He had heard "What's wrong with you?", enough times in his life to know what it implied. He had told himself that phrase the moment he had kissed Karl, and every time he thought about Karl in a way he knew he shouldn't. Plus, his family told him that constantly, and his old friends, and pretty much everyone he had known when they found out about his sexuality.

"I'm not the one hugging and kissing and cuddling someone who I claim to be best friends with! You can't just-" Karl shouted.

"Oh you're not?" Sapnap interrupted. "Cause last time I checked you've done all of those things with muiltple of my friends, but the second I do it, there's something 'wrong with me'?"

"That's different." Karl crossed his arms.

"How is that different?"

"You know-"

"No, please enlighten me, how is that any different?" He stood up, scowling at Karl. Is it because you know I'm gay and think differently of me because of that? Sapnap thought.

"Don't make me say it." I'm in love with you, Karl thought.

Sapnap scoffed and sat down. "You don't have to."

Karl grabbed his car keys off of the counter on his way out the door.

I fucked up, Sapnap thought. His dumb impulses got in the way of his friendships, again. The last time he'd done that was when he tried to make a move on his highschool best friend, and soon after was outed to what seemed like the entire state of Texas. He really didn't want to repeat the worst time in his life over again.

If this was anything like last time, he would loose all his friends, plus his dignity. He didn't want that to happen again, not now that he finally was happy. He knew his friends now were better than his highschool ones, but what if they did the same thing? Karl was already mad, how long would it be before all of his friends found out?

Karl opened his car door and sat down, putting his head down on the wheel and starting to cry. It was dumb of him to cry over this, but he was afraid he would lash out more than he already had if he didn't. The look on Sapnap's face when he said "You don't have to." made him feel like the worst person alive. But why was Sapnap mad? He was the one leading Karl on. There must've been something going on, something Karl wasn't aware of. Otherwise Sapnap was just the biggest dickhead ever, which he highly doubted.

He felt a hand rub his back, and heard the passenger seat door open and close. He looked up from the wheel, and at Sapnap.

"I'm sorry, Karl, I'm sorry I kissed you. It was a really dumb thing to do and I wasn't thinking straight and I'm really really sorry. Please don't-.." Sapnap's voice wavered, tears threatening to spill. Karl wrapped his arms around him and they shared a long hug.

"Don't be sorry, I reacted badly because I felt like it didn't mean anything to you." Karl spoke softly, pulling away from the hug.

"Oh Karl, it means everything to me. I didn't want to say anything because I was afraid of you hating me for it. Do you.. hate me for it?"

"No! I was just frustrated because it felt like you were leading me on, that's all," Karl quickly justified.

"Me? Leading you on? You must be the least self aware person on the planet because you were leading me on. Do you know how upset i felt whenever you would do the same things i thought were special with me with other people?"

"I'm sorry. I'm in love with you, if that counts for anything." Karl smiled.

"Oh my god, me too."

938 words. omg i cant write

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