but you're talking in your sleep

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What was he supposed to do? It's not like he'd liked a guy before. Not that anything had worked out with girls either..

Karl decided to take Bad's advice, not specifically for him, but just in general; to talk to someone in the position you want to be in. Chris? He was bi, he might know a thing or two about the situation he was in.

It felt weird calling Chris since
1) He was going to see him in person that day
2) Sapnap was just in the room over.

He pulled his knees to his chest and leaned his back against his headboard. Karl held the phone up to his ear.

"Karl?" he heard though the phone. He adjusted his position on his bed again.

"Hey chris."

"Hey how are you? Do you need something?"

"Uhm, just a little advise, if you can." Karl asked hesitantly.

"Uh sure! what about?"

"Well, I um.." his voice went lower for a brief moment. "I think-.. well I like a boy- like y'know a man, in like a.. non platonic way?"

"Wow Karl, that great!"

"Yes yes, except.. they kind of happen to be someone I'm very close with.."

"Oh, oh. Karl, do you think they like you back?"

Karl sighed, gently hitting the back of his head on his headboard.

"I don't know.."

"You should tell them, you're clearly miserable keeping secrets from them. When's the next time you'll see them, or talk to them?"

Karl gulped. "probably in a half hour." he croaked.

"Oh god Karl, is it.. Sapnap..?"


"You two? You're- you- you guys are like meant for each other. It's obvious he likes you."

"You think?"

"I do."


Karl got dressed and met Sapnap for breakfast. They filmed a short Mr Beast clip with his friends but still hung around for most of the day.

Chris and Chandler sat in the front seat on the drive to Karl's house. karl was originally going to drive, but he was probably the most emotionally exhausted out of all of them.

He woke up to the familiar pattern of the car driving into his driveway, his head on Sapnap's shoulder. he nudged his head against sapnap's shoulder again, sighing.

"Get up, we're here Karl." Sapnap nudged him.

"Noooo." he whined.

He finally gave in, and walked into the house. He collapsed on the couch as soon as he walked in. He soon felt Sapnap's warmth against the side of his arm.

"You good?" he mumbled to Sapnap, turning to face him with his eyes still closed. He could tell something was off about Sapnap, small but prominent.

Sapnap sighed. "yeah."

"Are you?"

"I'm fine." Sapnap said, turning away from Karl. Karl responded by wrapping his arms around sapnap, spooning him.

"What's wrong?" he asked again.

"I dunno, just not having a lot of motivation lately." oh now he answers, Karl thought. now that I'm spooning him.

"That's okay, I've felt like that before." Karl hummed.

"How'd you fix it?" he whispered.

"Taking a break." Karl said, running his hands through the back of Sapnap's hair. "..and talking to friends." friends.

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