depollute me, gentle angel, and I'll feel the sickness less and less

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Sapnap groaned, rubbing his eyes open and reaching out to feel around for Karl. He frowned when he inevitably didn't find him, confused since he had fallen asleep against him.

"Karl!" he shouted, gradually waking and sitting up against the headboard of Karl's bed. Well, technically both of their bed now. The door cracked open slightly, and a familiar face peaked in with a tentative smile.

"I'm making us toast I'll be back in a few minutes, okay?" Karl said.

"No- wait-" Sapnap blurted before he could shut the door. Karl stopped, waiting for Sapnap to say something. "Come over here."

Karl opened the door fully, walking over to the bed as Sapnap had requested. "Do you need something?"

"Just stay here for a minute with me. Please."

Karl sighed, sitting down on the side of the bed, "Do you want cold toast?"

"I don't care," Sapnap leaned forwards and set his forehead on Karl's shoulder.

"Well if that's how you feel." Karl ran his fingers through Sapnap's hair, who picked his head up to look him in the eyes. Sapnap leaned forward further, trying to kiss him but was shoved away.

"No, you're sick, no kisses there until you're better," Karl chuckled, pulling their foreheads together when Sapnap frowned. "God, you're hot." He pulled away from him once more.

"I know."

"I meant your temperature," he smiled, holding the back of his hand against Sapnap's forehead. "I think you have a fever, how're you feeling?"

"Sick," he laid his head back on Karl's shoulder.

"Okay, stay here and rest I'll come back with food in a few minutes, it'll make you feel a little better, okay? Promise."

"..Okay," Sapnap whispered, laying back down in bed. Karl stood up, but leaned down and kissed his forehead before leaving the room.

It was admittedly silly, missing someone who would only be gone for a short while. Being apart half of the time, given their busy schedules, they couldn't stand being separated during their valuable time together. He was grieving their lost time from him being forced to rest in bed all week. Any second that they weren't holding each other in their arms felt like a waste.

Maybe he was clingy, Karl had called him that, but whenever he said it it didn't sound like an insult like it had from other people in his past. No matter how much he was reassured, he always seemed to feel like anyone in his life could leave him at any second. He loved living in Florida but could never rid the fear that when he visited Karl again, he'd have moved on from him.

But Karl was good at expressing what Sapnap meant to him, which he greatly appreciated. Knowing that he meant something different than everyone else, that he was special to Karl in a way that no one else was. He treasured that feeling.

After what seemed like an eternity, Karl returned with two paper plates with toast and a few napkins.

"Shove over," Karl beckoned to him, handing him a plate and sitting beside him.

"I'm not very hungry."

Karl frowned, rubbing circles on his back with his free hand and squishing his face against his shoulder. "I made you breakfast, not eating it is just saying you hate me."

"I don't think that's how it works," Sapnap turned to face Karl, admiring the cheeky expression he had on his face.

"It is though," he smiled, taking a bite of his toast.

"Fine then," Sapnap bit into his food, "but if I throw up on you that's your problem."

"You'd throw up food I made? You wouldn't dare," Karl gasped dramatically.

"You mean bread you put in a toaster? You hardly made it."

"I buttered that bread with love, I'll have you know."

"I'm sure you did," Sapnap wrapped his arm around Karl's tense shoulders. They both ate in comfortable silence for a minute or two, when Sapnap removed his arm from Karl's back, setting his plate down in front of himself, standing up beside the bed.

"Uh, where are you going?" Karl questioned.

"I was gonna grab something from the kitchen really quick," Sapnap turned back around to look at him.

"Sit back down, I can get whatever you need." He stood up on the other side of the bed.

"No, I can get it it's fine, really."

Karl squinted his eyes, not giving up that easily. He walked over to Sapnap, not leaving more than a few inches of space between them, and brushed the back of his hand against his cheek.

"What do you need?" Karl whispered, reciprocating the lazy hug Sapnap initiated, putting his hands in his hair.

"I was gonna just grab a bottle of water," he mumbled reluctantly against Karl's neck.

"I can get it for you." He pulled away just enough to look at Sapnap, who was actively avoiding making eye contact.


Karl kissed his cheek, letting go of the embrace. "Get back in bed I'll be back in a minute, you angel."

Sapnap smiled, laying back down in bed. "Where did you come up with that nickname?" he teased as Karl was shutting the bedroom door, who smiled back on his way out.

Karl quickly walked to the kitchen, thinking fondly as he went. He wondered if he had been too pushy asking Sapnap what he needed, maybe he just wanted to get it himself. But he knew he never liked asking for favors from people, and despite understanding why he never gave up on trying to take care of his boyfriend. He quickly grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and walked back to his room.

Sapnap sat up as soon as Karl walked in, who handed him the water and sat down next to him.

"Thank you," he said, holding the cold drink against his forehead before taking a sip from it.

"No problem," Karl replied, stretching his arm around him and laying his face on his shoulder.

Sapnap leaned over and set the bottle on the bedside table, snuggling back under the covers. Karl remained sitting beside him, now looking down at him lovingly, running his hand through Sapnap's tangled hair.

"I like when you're like this."

"Like what?" Karl smoothed his hair out of his face.

"Like all.. gentle and shit." Karl smiled.

"You like when I'm gentle with you?"

"Yeah, I do."

"That's funny coming from you, since you're usually, well sometimes, all aggressive, y'know?"

Sapnap sat up slightly to look at Karl better, a worried expression on his face. "Not aggressive in like.. a bad way, right?"

"No, not at all! I find it comforting."

"How so?"

"Well, I guess it makes me feel safer, like I trust you so much I don't need to worry as much." Karl put the back of his hand on Sapnap's forehead again.

"Huh. I think whenever you're gentle like that it makes me feel safe like that too. Dunno why that is."

"You used to hate it."

"Did I?"

"Yeah, when we first met in person and stuff, you'd hate when I tried to do that kind of stuff. I'm glad you like it now, I like being like this with you," Karl smiled.

"I'm glad too."

Karl leaned down and planted a small kiss on his lips.

1220 words. i was supposed to finish this oneshot literally weeks ago😭 forgive my lack of motivation

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