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Sapnap didn't know what to do. He'd missed his chance to confess to Karl in person, since now he was back in Florida. He'd been back for two days, not talking to Karl as often as he usually did. Only a few texts and that was it. Of course, he over thought it until he could only think about how Karl hated him and would never like him back.

But then again, Karl had come out to him  a few days before, while he was still visiting. It's almost like Karl was hinting, just waiting for Sapnap to make a move.
But he blew it, and now Karl was ignoring his texts.



18 hours later


ate you there?

I have something kinda
important to tell you so
text me back when you

can it wait I'm streaming?

yeah thats fine sorry I didnt check

ok I'll tell u when I'm done

"Oop, Sapnap texted me." he said to chat.

Karl didn't have much of an idea of what Sapnap wanted to tell him. Part of him hoped it was that he'd tell him he liked him. Karl had liked Sapnap for a while, and Dream had let it slip that sapnap liked him back. he still didn't want to be the one to confess. He was hoping he'd do it while they were in person, but he guessed it was earlier to do over call, for the sake of shyness.

He ended stream around an hour later. He'd planned on streaming longer, but Sapnap's announcement had peaked his interest. He went in his room with his phone and shut the door.

I'm done streaming

yeah I was watching

Karl was a smidge flustered at the fact that Sapnap had been watching his stream.

so what'd you wanna tell me?
we can call?

actually I can tell you another day

no no no
you're telling me now

I dont haveto tell u shit

cmon tell me

Karl pressed the call button. he didn't facetime him, he wasn't that cruel.

"Hello," Karl said.

"Hi," Sapnap's voice sounded hoarse.

"Are you okay?" Karl asked, concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Sapnap said, visibly trying to hide the scratchiness of his voice.

Karl felt guilty for throwing this responsibility on him.

"I actually have to tell you something too." Karl said.

"You do?" hope welled in Sapnap's voice.

"Yeah I do. um.." Karl suddenly realized just how hard it was to just say it blatantly.

"Y'know how-.. um.." his voice turning solemn. "y'know how a lot of people, fans, they.. they, y'know, ship us and stuff?"

"Yes, Karl." Sapnap said in a low voice. Sapnap didn't address him outright by his name a lot, so it was surprising.

"Well- I um, y'know how I 'came out' to you the other day and I said I'd- that I- that I'd- that I had felt attraction to a man- a boy? like beyond platonic or whatever?"

"Yeah, I remember, karl."

He took a deep breath. "-and how you asked me who it was, and I'm pretty sure you were just messing around with me but I didn't really give you an answer?" he was starting to talk faster, desperate to get this off his chest.

He got no response this time, but he continued - positive Sapnap was still there.

"Well I guess you could say that person was- it was you, Sapnap, it is you. And before you say anything I want you to know that Dream told me. And don't get mad at dream, I kinda accidentally provoked him into telling me, and I'm sorry about that. that was your person information and i shouldn't have found out about it-"

"Shut up," sapnap breathed. Safe to say that worked for a good few minutes.

"So you do like me, right? Dream wasn't just messing with me or anything-"

Sapnap laughed. "I've been worked up about this for the past few months and you knew? How long have you known?"

"Only around a week. I'm sorry Sapnap, I should've told you in person but we're not meeting up again for another couple months and I don't think I could wait that long."

"Me either. Oh my god I'm so relieved." Sapnap let out a deep breath.

"Do you wanna, i dunno, be 'together'? I don't know what you kids call it."

"You're like 3 years older then me. But yes, I would like that." Sapnap said.

"I'm happy with this." Karl smiled.

"me too."

785 words.

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