[insert pog title here]

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Karl was lying in bed on his phone. It was 10pm and he'd already eaten dinner with Dream, George, and Sapnap. he was pretty sure they were all still downstairs joking around. Karl was visiting Flordia, and George had moved there a few months prior. Neither George nor Dream knew of Karl's relationship with Sapnap - whatever that even was, they hadn't ever outright said they were together, their affection towards each other just got to the point where it certainly wasn't platonic. 


That morning was when they started seriously suspecting Karl and Sapnap weren't platonic. they had caught Karl in Sapnap's room, in his bed. Karl had his hands wrapped around Sapnap's stomach underneath his shirt and Sapnap's hands were gently placed on Karl's. He woke up to Dream and George's snickering.

Karl opened his eyes and yelped, jolting up. Sapnap groaned, pulling his pillow to his chest, hugging it. 

"You two have a nice cuddle session?" Dream said, chuckling. "How long has this been going on for?" 

Sapnap squeezed his eyes shut, desperately trying to fall back asleep and not have to deal with the mortifying situation he'd found himself in. Karl scooted as far a he could against the headboard. 

"i- um, what?" Karl didn't know what to say. 

"Come down for breakfast when you're ready," George said, understanding that they weren't comfortable with the question, walking out into the hallway. Dream quickly followed, shutting the door behind him. 

"Are they gone?" Sapnap whispered, his face still against his pillow, his hands held a firm grip on it.

Karl laid back down beside Sapnap and wrapped his arms around Sapnap's. he buried his face in the crook of his neck. 

"Mm-hmm," he hummed. Sapnap groaned and put his head in his hands. 

"What are we supposed to tell them?" Sapnap whispered.

"Well, we're still not ready to tell them. So i guess we just treat it like a joke for now and hope they just drop it.."  

Except they didn't drop it, and after dinner and Karl went upstairs, Dream made the mistake of bringing it up. George was watching tv across the room and Sapnap and dream were still at the table.

"Sooooo, What's up with you and Karl?" he said, wiggling his eyebrows. Sapnap could've easily made a meme out of the question, but his words got stuck in his throat. 

"Nothing.." was all he could force himself to say.

"Didn't seem like nothing, i don't think friends cuddle with each other like that. He was spooning you, Sapnap."

Part of dream was worried for his friend, like Sapnap wasn't aware of Karl 's feelings towards him.

i don't think friends cuddle with each other like that. 


Sapnap clenched his mug's handle. "It was nothing. drop it." he said, trying to keep his cool.

"You can't expect me to drop it. When you walked in on me and George kissing - that wasn't nothing to you!" 

"That was different."

"Hardly," Dream rolled his eyes. "How do you expect me to react to that?" 

"Not like that."

"No, really, how do you expect me to react to that?" Dream scooted his chair forward and put his elbows on the table.

"I want you to not create that situation in the first place."

"How long have you two been doing that for?"

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