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Sapnap woke up to the very annoying sound of Karl's screaming. No, Karl was cuddled up to him perfectly fine, but Karl - of course - changed Sapnap's ringtone to him screaming, naturally.

Sapnap reached over to his nightstand, accidentally knocking his phone off of it, Karl's screaming still blaring. Sapnap groaned and tried leaning down to the floor to pick it up, while remaining in bed - a difficult feat while someone's wrapped around you like a clingy koala or something.

He managed to get it and turn the alarm off, quickly stuffing his arms back under the covers as Karl adjusted his arms to wrap back around Sapnap. Karl squished his face against his shoulder and hummed.

"Mm, Karl we need to get upppp," Sapnap said sleepily.

"No," Karl replied with fake innocence.

"We promised Dream and George we would come with them to the beach today remember? And we need to hurry up so we can get there on time," Sapnap said in a low voice.

"They can wait," Karl's voice was almost soft.

"Yeah but the parking spots can't, let's go buddy."

Karl hugged Sapnap tighter, not wanting to let go of him.

Sapnap groaned. "Fine, but when we can't find any parking spots later and Dream is guilt tripping us, I'm blaming you."

Karl chuckled. Sapnap turned around in bed to face Karl.

"Hi," Sapnap breathed, their faces only mere inches apart. Karl ipad-kid coughed directly into Sapnap's face.

"Fuck you,"

Karl giggled.


They ended up staying in bed for an hour before getting up. Sapnap had to shove Karl off of him to get up, and then he soon got up too.

They ate breakfast and then started the hour long drive to the beach.

Sapnap glanced at Karl, who was sitting in the driver's seat. he looked at Karl a lot, compared to his other friends he'd met up with, even before they were dating.

Karl was aware of this. He knew when Sapnap was staring at him. He always tried to hide his smile when he caught him looking.

Sapnap wasn't even always aware of it. He would just look. He tried to sneak glances as often as he could, on and off camera.

Sometimes it was as simple as a quick little turn of his head but sometimes he would stare at him as long as what felt like seconds but was more realistically like 3 whole minutes.
Sometimes Karl would look at him, and he'd look away. Or he'd hold his gaze long enough for his eyes to wander down to his lips, which made him nervous.

But they were dating now so that was.. fine? He'd kissed karl, like a true kiss, around two or three times. It was still surreal. To wake up with Karl's arms around him, was he awake? Or was he still dreaming?

He pondered this while Karl drove to the beach.

"Are you okay?" Karl asked, breaking the seemingly endless silence.


"Are. You. Okay."

"Um, yeah? Sorry I was thinking."

"About what?"

Sapnap hesitated. "You."

Karl smiled, his eyes still on the road.


"What do you mean why?"

Karl giggled. "it's weird when you stare at me."

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