Chapter 4

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I woke up early, got ready and went to the throne room at exactly 5:00. the same as yesterday. This time I took my Percy Jackson book with me (AN: Don't judge!). Lady Palutena was there and so was Pit. Wait PIT?!

"Greetings Lady Palutena." I bow "Greetings Pit." I nod my head at him. "Good morning Y/N!!" Says Pit giving me a big smile. I can't help but smile back, he's contagious. "Good morning," says Lady Palutena with a small smile "what have you got there Y/N?" she asked, gesturing to my book.

"Oh, this is my Percy Jackson book. It's about a kid who is trying to defeat hades. It's my favorite!" I say. Lady Palutena smiles "It's my favorite too!"she exclaims "what part are you on?" she asks.

"You do realize that I defeated Hades TOO?!" interrupts Pit

"I'm on the part where he tries to kill medusa." I reply, Pit scowls.

"I did that ALREADY!" he pouts with anger. I laugh, is he jealous? "Pit, are you jealous?" Asks Lady Palutena with a chuckle, voicing out my thoughts.

"WHAT?! NO! WHY WOULD I BE?! I ALREADY DID THE JOBS BETTER THAN PERCY DID!! WAIT... I NEVER SAID THAT!!" he exclaims blushing and waving his hands around.

"Would you like some peanut butter with that jelly?~~" I tease doubling over with laughter. Lady Palutena bursts out with laughter.

"Sh- shut u-up!" stutters Pit. This makes us laugh even more. I guess the laughter wakes Dark Pit up because he is standing in the doorway.

"Whats going on here!?" He exclaims walking over to me and seeing me rolling on the floor laughing, Lady Palutena doubling over on her throne and Pit being a blushing stuttering mess!

"Nothing!~~" I say in a sing song voice "Just Pit being jealous of Percy Jackson!" He starts laughing too. Me and dark laugh as we support each other.

"Wait Dark you can read?" asks Pit. "Yeah, Link taught me."

(AN: Yes I dragged Link into this.)

Pit looks at him in betrayal. Pit sighs dramatically "I'll never learn how to read!!" and looks down in disappointment. I take pity on him "I can teach you if you are willing." I say. Pit perks up and gives me a big smile I smile back.

"Ahem.." Palutena clears her throat "I have detected darkness in Ares's palace." She says. "Ares may have gone to the dark side so I am sending all three of you. be careful, Ares is the god of war after all." She explains seriously.

"Yes Lady Palutena." I bow "You have no need to tell us of God Ares's Domain, for I already know the way." I say lowering my eyes. "When do we leave." Asks Pit giving me a comforting look.

"Now." says Lady Palutena "Good luck!" she calls out as we leave the palace.

"Y/N?" Asks Pit "How are you.. you know going to fly?" he fidgets nervously.

"There is no need." I reply "The palace of Ares is in the canyon next to Mount Olympus. He will pay for what he has done!" I growl walking to an edge.

We jump down and start gliding. I spread my wings out my eyes still flashing in anger and my heart aching for my long lost friend's demise at the hands of Mars.

Dark looks at me "What did Mars do to you?" he asks curtly "Pitto!" chides Pit. "It's fine." I say and take a deep breath before I tell my story.

"He killed Saphiron." I say darkly "Saphiron was my best friend."

"Oh!" Pit gasps as we reach land and start walking "I'm so sorry Y/N!" says Pit looking at me in concern. Dark looks guilty "Y/N - I-" "You deserve to know." I interrupt him. He sighs "How did he d-" "Die?" I interrupt once more.

"Saphiron was the angel of Mars. Saphiron and I did everything together."

Flash back

"Hey Y/N I was looking for you!" Yells Saphiron running towards me his purple eyes shining with joy "Where were you.?" He asks.

"With Aphrodites..." I say looking away in annoyance "She said I was worthless." Saphiron walks forward and gives you a big hug "You know how spoilt she can be..." He mumbles into your shoulder.

"Cheer up!" He spreads out his feathered wings "Let's fly!" He says holding his hand out to you. You accept with a smile.

Flash back over

"One day Ares took him for training." My voice grew bitter "They trained too close to the edge." I fight back tears. "Ares gave him a hit and Saphiron... he fell." The tears fall "Ares could have saved him, but he didn't!" My voice snaps and my eyes blaze with the hatred of 5 years.

The tears keep on falling. I look away not wanting to be this vulnerable again, I walk ahead.

"I'm sorry I asked Y/N." Says Dark nervously. "It's fine, I think it was time to talk about it anyways." I chuckled sadly "Artemis always tried to get me to talk about it." I turn to look at him.

Pit walks forward and gives me a hug. I flinch at the sudden physical contact, but slowly hug back. "I'm sorry too." He says softly. We continue walking and after a short while we come to a canyon.

"We are here."


Thanks for reading! Stay safe!


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