Chapter 9

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I woke up in the morning with Pit's head resting on my shoulder. When did that happen?! I gently remove myself and place his head on his satchel and get up. I take my bag and stand up, I stretch. Pit stirs and opens his eyes "Sorry, did I wake you?" I ask him with a small smile. "No, Good morning Y/N!" He gets up and grins. "I saw a small lake nearby. I'll just go and get ready." I tell him and start walking.

"Ok! Bye!" He chirps cheerfully.

I reach the lake and wash myself with soap and I brush my teeth. I dry myself and Put on my spare toga and rompers, this time both are a light blue. I leave my curly hair open already dry in the warm breeze and I walk back, my bag in hand. As I arrive Pit gets up and leaves in the direction I came from with a goofy grin on his face.

I start the breakfast, which is basically just taking out a few granola bars. I wait and wait finally after half an hour Pit comes back with wet hair. "What took you so long?" I ask him in a teasing manner "And don't you know how to dry your hair?!" I chuckle.

"I did dry my hair and I came as fast as I could!" He retorts turning his back to me with a childish scowl. "Here let me." I say grabbing a small towel from my bag I stand behind him and start drying his hair, he sits patiently. I take out a comb and start combing his hair "How is it so soft!" I exclaim in surprise thinking his unruly hair would be messy. "Lot's of conditioner?" He offers laughing softly "Mine isn't nearly as soft!" I whine slightly jealous.

We eat our breakfast and continue walking towards the hills sometimes in comfortable silence other times in conversation.

"Here is the hot spring." I announce once we reach it. Pit is about to jump in but I stop him feeling some evil presence, he feels it too. We look over the lake and see an orne. Not just any orne a soul stalker orne. "Pit. Stand back." I say lowly to him

"Why it's just an orne? I can just shoot it." He whispers back looking at me puzzled. "This is a soul stalker orne." I say

"Look at it you're dead. Shoot it, it reflects it back. Touch it you're dead." I say grimly

"I'll handle this." I go towards the orne making sure it doesn't hear me, I pull the mask around my neck onto my face. I pick up my scimitar and stab it, with a shriek it turns around but I use the dagger to protect myself and stab it once more with my scimitar. It drops dead.

"Whoah. I almost feel sorry for that orne." Laughs Pit. "Can we go in?" He asks me eagerly edging towards the spring. "You do realise that if you jump in you will turn into a girl?" I say seriously he looks at me alarmed.

"REALLY?!" he jumps away from the spring.

I laugh "No I was joking!" I take my toga off so that I am just in my rompers Pit does nothing and waits for me "Are you going to swim in your clothes?!" I ask bewildered "Yup, angel code of conduct." He states. "You know that wet clothes make you fly slower and make you cold. I doubt a late hypothermic angel would be any help." I tease.

"Fine. I guess you're right." He unclips his toga and stands in his black rompers. He walks next to me and casually pushes me in. I yelp in surprise "PIT!" I shriek I reach my hand out and grab him by the foot and pull him in "Whoah!" He yells as he falls in. He splashes water at me and I dunk him back.

After thirty minutes of playing around we dejectedly get out. "The sooner we get there the better." I explain. I wipe myself dry with my towel and put my toga on while Pit just shakes himself. "Watch out!" I exclaim in annoyance as he splashes me, he smiles sheepishly "Sorry..." and off we go.

Finally we cross the hills and what we see is shocking. on the other side it is icy cold and there is snow. "Demeter must be really upset." Pit says in concern I nod sadly. Pit takes one step into the icy cold side and immediately dumps back shivering.

There is only one way to do this.

I take Demeter's bracelet out luckily it can be stretched. I gently take Pit's hand and slip the bracelet on and then I put my hand through it too. "This way the cold won't affect us." I say. "Good Idea!" He gives a closed eye smile and holds my hand through the bracelet. My cheeks heat up at the sudden contact. And we start walking hand in hand into the snowy pandemonium.

The cold doesn't affect us, it feels strange.

And there it is Demeter's cottage. It looks more like a temple.

I slowly go forward a bit nervous. Pit squeezes my hand in reassurance. I knock on the door. A welcoming but sad voice comes from the other side.

"Come in."

We open the door and I put the bracelet inside because it is warm here and we see Demeter sitting dejectedly on her throne looking at us with a false smile.

Demeter brightens up when she sees that it's me and stands up with her arms stretched out wide. I run towards her "Demeter!" I say giving her a big hug.She lets go and looks at me "Y/N! Darling, it's been too long, I've missed you." she smiles at me fondly. She looks over at Pit "And who is this handsome young angel?" she asks giving him a welcoming smile. Pit puffs out his chest at the compliment and bows.

That's new.

"Goddess Demeter of crops, I am Pit. The angel of Goddess Palutena of light." He says respectfully.

"Hello Pit. Welcome to my abode! Please call me Demeter!" Pit smiles at her.

"Demeter, we have to ask you something."

AN: Thank you all for reading! I appreciate it! Today I got a vote and I was so happy, I mailed the voter and thanked them. Thanks again! Stay safe and happy!


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