Chapter 18

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The next day when I went into the throne room as usual. Lady Palutena was looking at something. It looked like a chariot.

"What is that Lady Palutena?" I asked her surprised about why she'd be looking at a chariot at five am in the morning, on a Saturday. "It's the lightning chariot, we need it for the war. Though it is in a remote island." She answers without taking her eyes off the screen.

"I'm here Lady Palutena!" I hear an exclamation. It's Pit.

"What are you doing here so early?" I ask him. "Lady Palutena has a mission for us!" He says excitedly. I look at her "Let me guess, you want us to bring the chariot back. and the mission will happen right now." I state feeling slightly annoyed.

"No. Actually, you leave at nightfall so you don't arouse suspicion." She smiles at me.

I groan "It's a Saturday...." Pit only smiles "It's going to be fun!" he chirps.

That night after my shifts I go back to the throne room.

Dark comes out from somewhere "Please tell me I'm going too!" he pleads Lady Palutena. She shakes her head "No Dark, sorry. I need a bodyguard here especially in these times." she smiles at him apologetically. He glares in annoyance.

"How come Pit stain gets to go?! He couldn't even fight a few dogs!" He protests. I have to admit, he's right. "I'm sure he can fight Eris!" Lady Palutena defends her loyal servant.

"Wait... ERIS!?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yes, didn't I tell you?" She says, I shake my head "Well now you know." I roll my eyes. "The island isn't that far, it will take around five minutes, though mostly it is gliding." she explains. I'm more worried about Eric, the goddess of spite.

"ok should we leave now?" I ask her still annoyed. She nods Dark turns to me "Don't die." he says seriously and then gives me a quick hug and pulls back looking away. Pit stares at him in shock and.... hurt?

"What about me dark??" he asks.

Dark looks at him "No matter how many times you 'die' somehow you always come back. you'll be fiiiine..." he teases Pit.

Lady Palutena turns to me "Eris is not there, but some of her powers probably are. Be careful!" she hugs me. I hug her back.

"Eris lives on an island close by on the side of the sea. I don't expect any monsters but keep your eyes peeled. She might be on Hades's side for all we know. Remember there will be spiteful apparitions so trust no one but yourselves. The chariot is in her temple, you will see false images there of you and your worst nightmares." She says gravely. Pit visibly shudders and I nod still a bit freaked out by this.

"Ready?" Pit asks enthusiastically I nod with determination.

We jump in the direction of the sea where a tiny island is visible. I spread my wings out and feel the Mediterranean breeze whipping my brown curls around my face. At least I can still glide otherwise, I would be truly depressed.

Lady Palutena activates Pit's flight and his wings get bigger. I look down at the blue ocean and my reflection in it, I can't help but smile remembering all the times I used to soar here. That was before Saphiron died, before Hades took away my flight.

Pit looks at me grinning. "What?" I ask him suddenly feeling embarrassed "I haven't seen you this happy before!" he exclaims.

Once we are at about 3 minutes of flight we cross some sort of barrier. What is it?? It can't be good if Eris did this.


I whip my head around quickly and see Pit falling down! I close my wings and angle my body to go to him. "WHAT'S GOING ON?!" he asks me panicked "I don't know!" I go towards him and hold him tight.

"Hold on!" I yell and call upon the scimitar to give me flight.

I spread out my wings and flap them, we are propelled up into the air. The extra weight is making the pain worse than usual. I know that if I give in Pit and I are as good as gone. I keep flying trying to ignore the pain.

My vision gets blurry. Oh no, Not now! I fly even faster determined to get there Pit holds me tighter. The island finally is close, I have probably been flying only three minutes but it feels like hours. I see the island and my vision swims.

We crash into some bushes.

I close my eyes.

I see Artemis calling for me.

A light in an endless haze of pain and darkness.

I give in.

And breathe out a shuddery breath.

All is dark.

With Pit:

We crash into a bush.

I quickly look at Y/N. Her eyes are closed, I shake her in panic "Y/N? Y/N!!" she doesn't wake up. I check her pulse, phew, she's alive!

That's when I notice her leg. It's a mess!

It has a deep cut through it with blood still pulsing out. I have to treat it!

I rip out the bottom of my toga ready to plaster it on. I look at her wound, whoah that's a lot of blood! I feel a bit dizzy.


I quickly tie the cloth around her leg. Not exactly a bandaid but it's the only thing I've got. I turn around to look at the island. It looks normal, wait, I see a cave! Perfect! We can stay there until Y/N wakes up!

If she ever wakes up..... says a little voice in my head.

I carefully pick her up and stroll cautiously into the cave. It's small and nothing else is inside. Now all we need is food, fire and water! I gently put Y/N down on some moss.

"Lady Palutena!!" I call out hoping she hears me.


No answer. The barrier we crossed must have interfered with Lady Palutena's magic! That's why I fell down. That's why Y/N got hurt trying to save me! If I could fly, Y/N wouldn't have gotten hurt. She would be here now laughing and smiling and not unconscious in a cave!

It's all my fault.

I see a small spring at the back of the cave, it has fresh water. Luck must be on my side! I pick up a bunch of sticks from below a tree close to the cave and start rubbing them together.

Finally after ten minutes I see smoke and a little flame, I quickly put it in the wood bundle and sigh content. Now for food. I know Y/N always has some candy bars and granola bars in her pockets. We should be fine!

For now.


Big chapter! 1138 words! Thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next chapter! I will start it today so it should be out by tomorrow. Stay safe!


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