Chapter 26

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This was it.

The day of the war.

Probably my last day alive.

I got ready. I put on Saphiron's pin, if I did die I would want to go down with it. I put on some bronze arm cuffs that I used to wear when I was at Mount Olympus, I also put on my shin guards. They probably wouldn't protect me at all, they were just there for reassurance. I put on a chainmail top under my toga for even more protection. I sheathed my scimitar on my back and the dagger at my hip.

This is it.

I remember Link's advice:

"Find the balance in you."

I take all the charms the gods gave me. Demeter's bracelet, Poseidon's sash, Artemis's whistle but I left Hades's choker in the box and closed it. On second thought- I might need it. I took hades's choker and put it in my pockets, the rest I wore.

I shakily went out of my room, out of my safe zone. I went to the throne room and stood silently next to Lady Palutena's throne. Where she was dressed in her everyday clothes. "This is the first time I'll fight in the war." Lady Palutena begins "Usually that's Pit's job, but now all the gods are fighting." she says grimly.

I nod without a word.

Pit and Dark come in a few minutes later. In everyday clothes, I look at them surprised "Aren't you going to wear any armour?! What if you get hurt??" I ask them.

Pit just shrugs and Dark answers "we never wear armour." I sigh in disbelief "You do you-" I say at last. "Are we all ready?" Lady Palutena asks us, we nod. She opens up a portal to persephone's garden.

Currently it is 12 o'clock.

I walk into the portal, my head bowed down. Any one of us could die today. I already knew I would, Hades will pulverise me! Pit could die, Dark could die, Lady Palutena could die. And persephone, my throat tightened, she could die too.

We arrived at Persephone's garden, my mother greeted me with a big hug and teary eyes. "You will be okay." she says trying to convince me- and herself.

Persephone gathers all the gods "All gods will go to the war as we discussed in the meeting. Pit and Dark Pit will make there way to the rivers styx- the long way."

I do a double take "That's new!" I exclaim looking with suspicion at Dark, he looks away with guilt and Pit just pretends he isn't there.

"Ok, Let's go!" Demeter commands and makes a big portal for all the gods to go through. Demeter gives me one last smile, and persephone one last teary glance. Only Pit, Dark and I are left. Dark comes up to me "Don't die!" he says his voice choked with sadness, he gives me a hug. He pulls back and glances at Pit, something passes between them. And Dark walks away.

"Be careful." Pit says looking at me I nod. And without thinking I go up to him and whisper in his ear "You too Pit. You have a goddess's blessing." I kiss him on the cheek and walk away. After a few seconds I hear him running towards where Dark disappeared.

WHY DID I DO THAT?! I mean goddess's blessings do work, so at least he'll be safe. BUT WHY?! Y/N GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF! There are more important things to think about. I make a portal to the river styx and walk through it.

I land on black sand.

"Hello Y/N."

A malicious voice says

"Hello Father."

And with those words my fate is sealed.

Pit's POV:

I stand there stunned.

Did Y/N do what I think she did?! Does that mean she likes me?!

No it was probably just a blessing.

I touch my cheek stunned, watching Y/N's walking figure. I then run to catch up to Pittoo. I then fall in beside him and walk in silence.

"Why are you so quiet?! And take that stupid smile offf your face!" he snaps at me. Then from the corner of my eye I see his scowl turn into a smirk.

"Oh.... I see now!"

"Wh-what d-do you mean??" I stutter.

Stupid stutter!

Yeah Stupid stutter!


Pit it's not lady-like to shout!


What happened?!

Why, what's it to you?!

She gave you a blessing....

So what?!


Shut up!

Pit it's not nice to shut people up!

You shut me up all the time!

Well I'm not nice!

Finally something we both agree on!

Y/N's POV:


"I assume you're here to stop me?!" he asks in a toying voice.


With that Hades raises a giant arm to swat me away, I doge quickly. "Little, naive Y/N, you really think you can stop me??? Your father!" I ignore him and run at him he attacks there but I speed to his back and hit him with my dagger.

He screeches in pain.

I can't do this for long....

He turns to me in rage and before I can use my weapons to dodge he flicks me away. I feel the air rushing past me and wait to connect with the ground.

I land on the sand, but it still hurts. "Why are you doing this?!" I ask him.

"None of the gods agreed with me!" He fumes trying to hit me again, I use the dagger and the attack goes through me. I need to finish this! My energy is halfway! "So I'm going to take all their powers! And then I can do whatever I want!" he cackles.

I shake my head in disgust "You're messed up!"

"I know."

With Persephone:

I step into the war in the underworld.

I see chaos.

Hera is fighting her own daughter, Athena! Ares is fighting Aphrodites! Hephaestous is fighting zeus! This isn't what the gods stand for. My daughter might die! She might die fixing the mess that these idiots created!

That's it.

"STOP!!!" I scream.

Everyone stops


They are stunned.

"Y/N MIGHT DIE! MY DAUGHTER COULD DIE!" I break down and start sobbing hysterically. Most gods stop fighting and look at me uncomfortably and with guilt.

But Mars speaks up "Why should I?! I'm with Hades! In fact I'm going to stop Y/N right now! I should have ended her when I had the chance!"

I stop sobbing and get up "OH NO YOU DID NOT!" and I lunge at him.


Yay! We are at the war! But the story is far from over... I hope you enjoyed it so far! Thanks to those of you who made it to this chapter! I appreciate you all so much! Stay safe!



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