Chapter 5

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Chapter 36.1 : Behold the flower through red clouds, A heart filled with pity (I)

Hua Hua's Real Form

"Hua Hua? Hua Cheng? Will we see San Lang's real form?" Xie Lian asked a little excitedly before looking at Hua Cheng worriedly. "Will that be alright with you?"

"I'm fine with it, gege." Hua Cheng replied with a smile although his shoulders were tensed which was immediately noticed by Xie Lian who then held one of Hua Cheng's hand in worry.

"We can just skip this part if you don't want to." Xie Lian said with worried eyes which made Feng Xin and Mu Qing to fake gag at the back, disgusted.

"I'm really alright, gege." Hua Cheng said with a soft voice before looking worried. "But, promise me that you won't hate me after seeing my true look, okay?"

"San Lang... I became your friend because I liked your personality, not because of your looks." Xie Lian said with a gentle smile which made Hua Cheng relax and nod with a smile. 

"If you are done flirting, can we get back to watching?" Mu Qing said with a glare as many looked uncomfortable.

"E-eh? We a-aren't flirting!" Xie Lian stuttered with a huge blush on his face while Hua Cheng had a sly look on his face.

"Are you jealous?" he teasingly asked which made Mu Qing glare harder.

"A-anyway, let's continue on!" Xie Lian exclaimed, still flustered at Mu Qing's comment.

Although Hua Cheng's tone and words were rude and brimmed with contempt, the man remained meekly quiet even as the other onlookers jeered at him. The attendant who had led Xie Lian in said, "Sir, you are truly fortunate today."

Xie Lian's line of sight did not shift. "How so?"

"Hoho, his eyes are stuck to his love." Pei Ming said with a smirk which made Xie Lian blush again but didn't say anything, much to the annoyance of Feng Xin and Mu Qing. 

"The lord of our city rarely comes here to play, and the mood only struck him these past few days. What is this if not good fortune?"

He Xuan inwardly scoffed at this. Of course crimson rain would be feeling good in the recent days, he was spending time with his beloved.

From this, it was clear that she greatly admired the 'city lord' and held him in high esteem. As long as one could lay eyes on their city lord, it was considered the greatest of blessings. Xie Lian laughed softly to himself.

The red silhouette behind the light, gauzy curtains formed a whimsical picture, elegant and sensual, mesmerizing the eyes. Beautiful young women were arranged before the curtains to oversee the gambling table. Xie Lian's initial intention had been to stand at the outer edges of the crowd and watch, but after hearing Hua Cheng's voice, he began silently squeezing his way through the press of bodies. After finally reaching the table, he spotted the man who had been about to lay down his bets.

He was a living, breathing human. Xie Lian was not too surprised at that. Not only ghosts thronged the streets of the Ghost City after all. Besides the occasional alchemist and cultivator, some normal mortals who were either close to death's door, or were actively seeking death, would sometimes stumble in by mistake. This man also had a mask covering his face, leaving his bloodshot eyes and pale lips visible. He looked as if he had not seen the sun for many days, seeming more like a ghost than the ghosts surrounding him.

"A human? What's he going to bet?" Wu Du said with a raised brow. "I'm pretty sure the ghost city doesn't want anything that man has."

The man was gripping a black, wooden dice cup on the gambling table nervously. After a moment's hesitation, he ventured bravely, "But......why was that other man earlier allowed to bet both his legs?"

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