Chapter 16

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They didn't even have any rest, choosing to instead snatch the remote from Lynn and play the next episode.

"Well...if you all need me, I'll be cooking some popcorn..." Adalie trailed off, noticing that she was ignored and left sulkily.

'I wonder if I should have skipped some parts of the scene,' she suddenly thought when she was in the hallway. 'they might destroy my room...never mind, I'm sure they have more self-control than that.'

Ch.50: Adroit Dice for the Safety of Only One 3

Generally people would not know how their own backs look like, but Xie Lian was different. He was more than familiar with how his own back looked.

When the kingdom of XianLe first fell, to relieve themselves of anger, the people burnt down his Baqian Taizi* Temple, desecrated all of his statues, robbed the gems on his sword and cleaned his attire of gold. Yet after all that the rage continued to burn, and so they came up with a new idea, and it was to build such kneeling statues.

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