Chapter 8

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Chapter 38 : Behold the flower through red clouds, A heart filled with pity (III)

Well? Do you admit your loss, gē gē?

"What?" Feng Xin asked in surprise. "Did we skip something? Why is crimson rain suddenly asking his highness to admit his loss when he just won?"

"Stop asking stupid questions and just watch." Mu Qing irritably said which made Feng Xin angry.

"Hah? What did you fucking say?!" Feng Xin shouted, about to stand up and fight the other man when Jun Wu looked at the two.

"Please stop." he said. "We need to focus and watch."

"Yes, your majesty." both Feng Xin and Mu Qing obediently said.

Xie Lian stared at the youth in red. "You......"

There were some things he wanted to say, but there were countless eyes trained on them right now, and with Hua Cheng's words and actions being so ambiguous, neither acknowledging nor estranging him, Xie Lian was unsure if Hua Cheng meant to avoid openly recognizing him in Ghost City.

"I'm sure I did that because I am unsure of your feelings, gege." Hua Cheng hastily explained. "I don't know if you want ghost city to recognize you as someone special to me or not."

"I'm fine with either, San Lang." Xie Lian said with a smile, inwardly wondering why he felt pleased with the fact that Hua Cheng was thinking about his feelings.

"Then I'll introduce you to the others when you come visit." Hua Cheng said with a soft smile. "It's a promise."

"En." agreed Xie Lian.

In the end, he swallowed back all needless words and simply offered a "Thank you".

"Why thank him?" Lang Qian Qiu interjected. "He runs this place, he has been harboring ill intentions from the very beginning."

"......" Xie Lian lowered his voice, "Your Highness, let's not waste words and leave immediately, alright?"

"Please follow him." Qian Qiu uttered with a hopeful look, not wanting to embarrass himself anymore than he already had.

If they continued to stay, who knows what else will come out of Lang Qian Qiu's mouth. In any case, they were here on official business, it was not convenient for Xie Lian to linger.

Many nod in agreement as it would be dangerous if they were found out, even if Xie Lian was seemingly favored by their lord. It was funny, some thought, how the prince most officials look down on was favored by both the highest being in heaven and one of the, if not the, strongest ghost.

His eyes strayed towards Hua Cheng a few times as he herded Lang Qian Qiu towards the exit. From behind him, Hua Cheng suddenly said, "Wait."

Xie Lian's steps stopped and he turned around. Among the group of ghosts, someone called out, "My Lord! We can't just let them leave like this!"

"Going back on your words?" Feng Xin asked with a challenging look, frowning.

"Do I look like someone who betrays others after I give them my word?" Hua Cheng asked with a low voice and narrowed eyes. 

"No." Mu Qing begrudgingly answered when Feng Xin wouldn't. "So why are you stopping him?"

"Do I look like I know?" Hua Cheng asked with a raised eyebrow which made Mu Qing turn slightly red in embarrassment. 

"These people's behaviors are terribly suspicious, and they possess extraordinary strength. Their origins may not be that simple. I say we retain them for a bit for some questioning."

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