[diamond kites]

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The click of the camera shutter was what pulled you out of the comforts of a daydream and back into the humdrum of reality.

You tilted your head at Seungmin, who lowered his camera to check the picture he'd sneakily snapped. A smile had begun forming on your lips. "When did you bring that out?"

"Just now," he answered with his typical nonchalance, lifting the device again to resume his spontaneous photoshoot.

It was tranquil by the shimmering river—the kind of peace that felt unreal and faraway, like a scenery out of a painting. A fracture of frozen time. The distant laughter of children, the sonorous chirping of sparrows, it was as if the timid breeze knew to carry those sounds across the expanse of lush green and share them with your keen ears. The busy city beyond the stretch of crystal water was but a haze, a shadow unable to disturb this dreamlike haven.

Seungmin's camera clicked again, and you found yourself smiling at the solemn care with which he treated every photo. Only pressing the shutter button when the moment was right, as if doing otherwise would be blasphemy toward his craft.

"Don't you get bored? There's a lot more to photograph around here," you remarked, turning your gaze to the river and meeting the calm breeze.

"I'm yet to find a more beautiful subject."

He said it so seriously, but you saw the cheeky grin that lifted the corners of his mouth. It made you burst into laughter.

The truth was that, for as long as you knew Seungmin, you'd never seen him pull out his camera to photograph anything or anyone but you. The world may have been filled to the brim with sights to see and people to meet, but it all seemed to pale when compared to your sole being. You were the subject of his pictures as you were the subject of his pouring love.

He simply knew no better way to express that devotion.

You shook your head as your laughter died out, "I'm pretty sure you've got pictures of me in some embarrassing state on there."

"And what state would that be?" he made a poor act of feigning ignorance. A teasing quip was practically painted all over his face.

There were some photos you'd deemed embarrassing while slapping his arm repeatedly to bully him into deleting, but they were cherished tokens to Seungmin's doting heart. Eventually, and much to his joy, you'd allowed him to keep them.

You smiled that silly smile that Seungmin knew too well. "California."

"You have the worst jokes."

It was difficult to rein in his smile at the sound of your laughter, pure and melodic and so carefree. He felt as though he could reach out and grab that string of musical giggles, chase the kites of light that made your ethereal sky into another dream.

But until he could reach so, Seungmin could only do what he knew best to encapsulate that magical feeling. After all, the first time he'd ever picked up a camera was to capture your radiant smile.

By that tranquil river, the shutter clicked for the third time.

Act. 8 | Stray Kids ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now