[lovely you are]

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[From the world of 'Row, Row, Row Your Boat'.]

"Hyunjin—" you halted when you noticed the hush that had fallen over the room, the distinct melody of a lullaby gracefully dancing through the air. From your place by the open door, you could see your husband's frame, gently rocking the infant in his arms. Your child.

It wasn't a new sight, yet it was one that made you stop and watch with a swelling heart every time. There was a certain purity to it. Innocence. It was endearing in ways you didn't think possible.

Daeun fell asleep quickly in her father's arms, yet Hyunjin liked to linger around longer, tucking her in bed and gazing at her delicate face with an equally soft smile. You wouldn't have to look hard to spot the honest joy twinkling in his eyes. It was a flame that never died out, even after months since her birth. It only became brighter, and it lit up your entire home.

When Hyunjin finally laid Daeun in her crib, you stepped into the room carefully, not to disturb their peace. You stood by his side as he pulled the little blanket over her small body, fingers staying on the smooth fabric longer than they should have.

It was quite ironic, you supposed, because you knew that in the belt he wore, there were at least three hidden daggers. It wasn't something you minded, though.

Straightening his posture with a quiet sigh, Hyunjin turned to look at you, whispering, "You called?"

You shook your head, having forgotten what it was you came for in the first place. "It's nothing."

A hum of acknowledgment was his response, and the two of you let silence drape over you like a warm blanket. Comfortable.

Hyunjin's arm found its place around your waist, pulling you closer wordlessly, and out of instinct, your head leaned against him. If you listened closely, you might hear the song his heart sang, one of nothing but true bliss and tranquility. Hyunjin felt it too, and in a moment of overwhelming love and ecstasy, he murmured, "I love you."

Your lips moved faster than your mind, not that you needed to think about it anyway, "I love you too."


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