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"Have you ever tried counting your freckles?"

"No," Felix hummed, fingers running mindlessly through your hair as he stared at the blank ceiling. "Pretty sure it's not possible either."

"Pretty sure it is possible. You just lack the determination." You scrunched your nose. The two of you were lying side by side on your bed, aimlessly looking at the ceiling after an exhausting day. It wasn't anything special, but it was almost the best way to spend time with your significant other. Doing, well, nothing at all.

"I'm offended," Felix gasped, "You should attempt counting freckles before claiming so. It's not easy."

"Oh, I bet I can count them all." You shifted in your place so that you were lying on your side, facing him. "And it won't be half as hard as you claim."

"I dare you."

"Dare accepted," you huffed determinedly and wriggled closer to his body, as much as possible. Lips puckered into a slight pout, you focused on the beautiful freckles dotting your boyfriend's face, counting them under your breath and tapping each as you go.

You had them almost memorized, courtesy of gazing at Felix for too long on lazy mornings or randomly staring at him as he did normal, everyday things. You couldn't help it. The night sky might have many breathtaking constellations, but your favorite was down here, on Felix's cheeks.

As you were concentrated on your silly feat, you didn't notice the way Felix looked at you. He was holding back a grin, not to disturb your counting, but it was proving to be quite hard with you being the cutest person he'd ever seen. You were doing the merest, yet there was his heart, fluttering like a high schooler's in love.

Well, he was in love.

You propped yourself up on your elbows to continue counting the freckles that spread over his nose and just then, Felix decided there was no point trying to hold back. Taking advantage of your distracted state, he raised himself, just enough to steal a tiny kiss from you, then returned to his previous position with an endearing grin.

That was enough to throw you off guard, and after a beat, you responded with a little peck on his lips.

It was a habit.

Smiling like fools, the two of you remained there, gazes almost shooting hearts at each other, hearts dancing to the same beat. It was moments like this that reminded you of how in love you were with Felix.

That was before another realization hit you.

"Hey! You made me lose my count!"

"Hey! You made me lose my count!"

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Act. 8 | Stray Kids ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now